literacy highlights

21st March 2022

I would like you to take a moment to look at the reading data on the Literacy Tracker and reflect on just how important reading is and how high the students can aim if they have the reading skills to accelerate their learning. We have 93 students reading more than 6 months above their chronological age, that is remarkable! In addition, a further 45 students are reading in line with their CAGE. We do, however, have 215 students that have ground to make up and of these 96 students are more than 40 months below their CAGE.

What else can we do to support these students with their literacy?

We must all ensure and think about the following:

How can literacy be further developed through reading, oracy and writing activities through Quality First Teaching?

Library lessons are used effectively to select appropriate level books and have clear structure with silent and supported reading intervention and EAL provision continues to be an important part of everyone's planning to ensure students with the biggest gap between their RAGE vs CAGE are supported.

Library lessons must be used effectively to select appropriate level books and have clear structure with silent and supported reading.

How do we consider stretch and challenge for our most able students?

How do we continue to motivate our youngest students in the school to ensure they read, read, read? 

Thank you everyone for your continued hard work. I know that together we can make a huge difference. 

Thank you for your support, Mrs Kang. 

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel: 0121 464 2837 


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