PRINCIPAL's BLOG - 30th September 2022

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Welcome to my weekly blog and what a week it has been here at LBS.

We have had the pleasure of meeting and showing lots of year 6 students and their parents around school this week. The two Open Mornings and our Open Afternoon were well attended and our annual Open Evening, which we held yesterday evening, was very busy and packed full with lots of engaging activities. A huge thank you to the students that supported the events, watching and listening to the Junior Leadership Team talking with parents and year 6 students was an absolute pleasure.

Furthermore, our new Year 11 Prefect Team were announced this week. The 14 strong team including our new Head Boy and two Deputy Head Boys have been presenting in the assemblies and gave their debut speeches at the Open Evening yesterday evening. We are incredibly proud of them and look forward to keeping you updated with the work they will continue to contribute to in school as they support their peers.

Parachute challenge

Mrs O'Shaunghnessy and Year 8 have been learning about gravity, drag and resistance whilst making parachutes in their Science lessons this week. The Refectory balconies make for the perfect launch pad when completing this experiment.

What not bring the parachute challenge into your home this weekend by using the short video below to help. I'm sure that your families will have an enjoyable time as the Year 8 students did.

Class Charts

We were delighted to be able to share details of our new reward and monitoring system, Class Charts, with parents and carers at the start of this week. It’s been particularly encouraging to see that almost a third of our parents and students have now accessed the app and can now view the positive comments and reward points for their son every day.

In a short space of time, students are already close to achieving almost 10,000 positive reward points which they’ll soon be able to turn into prizes when we launch the rewards system in full during the next half-term.

Parents will also be able to start monitoring their son’s attendance as well as receiving important updates via the messaging service and we hope that this will make it easier for you to keep up to date with just how well your son is doing in school. It’s been such a pleasure to hear the students discussing their progress with each other and they are eager to find out how well they are doing.

We are thrilled that this has been met with such positive engagement. If you haven’t signed up yet but would like to request your login details or if you have any questions about how to set up your account, please contact the school directly using the email address.

As always, please call us on 0121 464 2837, leaving a message if lines are busy, and we will support you.

You can always contact me directly this week at:

Have a good weekend and I look forward to updating you with events in school next week.

Mr L Williams,


Lordswood Boys' School.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne Birmingham B17 8BJ

Tel:0121 464 2837


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