PRINCIPAL's BLOG - 13th october 2023

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Welcome to my weekly blog - I hope you and your families are well and have had a good week.

With the half-term break approaching, I want to take a moment to remind parents of the fantastic progress that the students have made since September and, importantly, highlight some of the amazing experiences from the residential trip last week.

Parents and carers are reminded that we break up for the October half-term holiday next Friday, 20 October. School will close at 12.20pm on that day, therefore, if your son is normally collected from school, please ensure the necessary arrangements have been made to collect him at 12.20. As you will already know, the half-term break is two weeks long, and we return to school on Monday 6 November.

Upcoming Parents/Carers Evenings & Y11 Mock Exams

Next Thursday is our second parent/carer evening of the year. Following on from the brilliant attendance and engagement at the Year 11 Parent Evening at the beginning of the month, we are looking forward to welcoming you to the Y7 & 10 parent/carer evening this coming Thursday, 19 October. This is a great opportunity to meet your son's teachers and discuss his progress. The letters for both year groups are below.

In addition, we also have our second Y11 Parent/Carer evening on Thursday 9 November, which is the first week back after half-term. The letter outlining the details of this event can be seen below alongside the Y11 Mock Exam timetable. For your information, the Mock Exams start on Monday 20 November and end on Friday 1 December. The Mock Exam results will be published to students and parents/carers on Wednesday 20 December.

Year 10 Parents' Evening Letter October 2023.pdf
Y7 Parents' Evening Letter October 2023.pdf
Y11 PIE 09.11.23 Parent Letter.pdf
GCSE YEAR 11 MEX TTT Nov 2023 - Student Version.pdf

From Ms Sandhu - What a wonderful week in Wales 

Our first residential of the year took place between Monday 2 to 6 October and I know that parents/carers will be excited to read through and see the activities and experiences from the trip.

On day one, there was full immersion into their new, natural environment setting the scene with a jog and dip, followed by a picnic and beach combing, discussing our individual and group goals for the week.

On day two, the main objectives were discussing and focusing on our self- awareness and self confidence. This involved trying something new like gorge walking through gushing waterfalls, rock climbing or jumping from a jetty in the day, then in the evening they packed and prepared for their overnight expedition, understanding the importance of collaboration and supporting each other.

Day three centred around their self belief and leadership skills. In their all-day 9km steep hike through the wilderness (with some bags as big as them), there was an ascent of a mountain peak with environmental awareness tasks, they then set up camp in a real log cabin. In the evening, the students showed self-reliance and compassion as they prepared for their evening meals, taking it in turns to share their fears, hopes and dreams with their new found friends.  

Day four consisted of an awareness of their natural environment, goal setting and taking responsibility for each other. Working collaboratively, the students had another 8km hike through a quarry, showing perseverance and resilience in the high winds and slippery terrain. After this journey back to centre, over land and water, our students celebrated with either being involved in a national campaign for outdoor education on the curriculum, canoeing, kayaking or rowing followed by a facilitated discussion and personal reflection time. 

Day five was a sad day as it was our last, but it was a good time to review the week and to recognise achievements, reward and celebrate. The final activities highlighted how heights were now no obstacle as they included a challenge wall, abseiling or swinging from a very high trapeze, showcasing the new brave men they had become.  

This whole school collaboration ensured that this action packed week was life changing and unforgettable. 

The viedo below provides an insight into these special moments.


NOS Updates - 13 October 2023

The National Online Safety programme publishes a weekly #wakeupwednesday update for parents/carers. This weeks update relates to 'TIKTOK'.

I hope your find this information useful.

Corporate message from West Midlands Police 

West Midlands Police have partnered with The Children’s Society and British Transport Police to help raise awareness of exploitation. We are working hard with our specialist teams and community partners to disrupt and prosecute criminal gangs exploiting young people.

Do you know the signs of child exploitation? Would you know where to report exploitation if you spotted the signs?

Exploitation can happen anywhere. It happens online and offline. Children are being targeted outside fast food outlets, at shopping centres, through online games, and social media. There are many types of child exploitation including money laundering, stealing from shops, transporting drugs via trains and bus routes.  

Signs of child exploitation:

Ask yourself, is a young person:

You can find out more information from the #LookCloser campaign website here #LookCloser To Spot Exploitation | The Children's Society (

If something doesn't feel right, don't wait, report it:

If you would like to talk to your schools officer about exploitation or your concerns, please get in touch with the school or your local police team today Your Local Police | West Midlands Police (

Thank you,

West Midlands Police.

Computer Science Curriculum Update, from Mr Ahmed

Yesterday, Y10 Computer Science students took part in an activity in which they researched, compiled and then presented their work in front of the class. It was a delightful activity which all students contributed to with positive intent. The presentation sessions were conducted in a professional manner and it was evident that students were taking responsibility of their own learning. Ideas, questions and answers were bounced back and forth in which all students took an active part. Here are a few images from the lesson.

Sport fixtures and training schedules for week beginning 13 October 2023

Weekly sports round-up from Mr Janes, Director of Sport

Year 11 Basketball - National Cup

The Year 11 Basketball team travelled to Shireland School in the opening fixture of their National Cup campaign. In what was a thrilling encounter, LBS came out on top in a 41-40 victory. Jonathan Agbeze was the Player of the Match, dominating the game through his ball handling, dribbling and points return. 

Year 10 ESA Football

The Year 10 Team travelled to Coventry on Wednesday for a West Midlands Cup Fixture. In the pouring rain, unfortunately, the boys did not return with the result they wanted. Their attitude and commitment were fantastic, they did not arrive back to School until 7PM because of the traffic but were in good spirits on the way home. Man of the Match - Jonathan Agbeze - A spirited performance that consisted of desire and resilience.

Year 9 Football

The Year 9's progressed to Round 2 of the West Midlands Cup with a 5-0 victory over Turves Green. Mr Mitchell's side had been working hard in training to develop their style of play and to develop their playing principles. Birson hit a Hat-trick, whilst Ara and Devonte chipped in with further goals. They will now host West Coventry Academy in Round 2.

Health and Fitness

Year 7 enjoyed their Circuit lesson with Mr Deeks this week as they participated in an intense full body work out. Year 7 have been learning the various aspects of Health and Fitness through a variety of training methods. We aim to develop student knowledge so they are able to take ownership over their own Health and Fitness, maintaining their Fitness through training and nutrition.


Primary Football Tournament

On Thursday LBS hosted a cluster of local Primary Schools in their Regional Football League. We welcomed two new Schools into our cluster - Four Dwellings and St Catherine of Siena. The games were played in good spirits with an array of talent on show. We look forward to the next Tournament after the Half-Term break. 

If you have any questions relating to the details above, please use the contact details below:

Weekly music news & schedules from Mrs Lowndes-Ford, Director of Music


Please engage with our current consultation details relating to becoming part of a different multi academy trust by clicking here.

I hope you have a good weekend and I look forward to updating you with more news next week. Until then you can always contact me directly at:

Mr. L. Williams,


Lordswood Boys' School.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne  Birmingham B17 8BJ 

Tel:0121 464 2837 


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