PRINCIPAL's BLOG - 13th January 2023

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Welcome to my weekly blog and I hope you and your families are well and have had a good week.

It was a pleasure to hear about the success our Literacy programme continues to have at LBS. In particular the success of the group of happy, proud students' below.

Since the start of the Autumn term, they have been working closely with Ms Russell, Associate Assistant Principal and Lead Professional for English, to improve their individual reading ages. Parents/carers are aware that it is our ambition to ensure every student can read inline with or above their chronological age before they graduate into Year 11.

These students' have collectively made 147 months progress. That means that even though these 8 students' have increased in age by 4 months each (32 months collectively) they have reduced their reading age gap (the difference between their Chronological Age, CAGE, and their Reading Age, RAGE) by 115 months, or 9.5 years!

This is a staggering achievement and worthy of celebrating. Well done!

In addition to the above, every Friday morning students are provided with a weekly oracy task to discuss and debate during Literacy time. This week, students have been discussing democracy and in particular the topic of Human Trafficking.

These tasks provide our students with clear guidelines and factual information to help form well rounded, sensible and mature discussions. Importantly, we want students to feel safe and confident when discussing topics which relate to fundamental British values. We would like to encourage parents/carers to continue these discussions at home to support the work your son is completing in school.

LBS Curriculum

We have had a number of parents asking for information about the our curriculum recently. This is a great question to be asking and we encourage parents/carers to understand our curriculum to appropriately support, discuss and challenge your son as he progresses through each term at LBS.

The link below can be used to see our curriculum booklet for the academic year:

Should you require further details about any part of our curriculum you can contact me directly or use the contact email address details here for the Lead Professionals of each department in school. Our staff would be happy to support and answer your questions.

Sport fixtures and training schedules for week beginning 13th January 2023

If you have any questions relating to the details above, please use the contact details below:

Music at LBS

From Mrs Lowndes-Ford

As part of the development of the Elite Music Academy and our Music Student Ambassador team, we would like to congratulate Yuvraj Kang, Demarco Campbell and Jamie McDonald for being promoted to the role of Head Music Ambassadors.

This role will involve the students leading our team of Ambassadors, assisting the music staff and supporting the future developments of the department by helping to provide further opportunities for all students at the school.

Please note that we will be looking to appoint new Year 7 Ambassadors for the first time over the next couple of weeks. Students who are interested in the role will be asked to prepare a short presentation to share with music staff and Head Music Ambassadors. A meeting for Year 7 students will take place next week. All Year 7 students will be notified of the date and time.

Furthermore, you can see the schedules for extra-curricular music and the Elite Music Academy (EMA) below. Please encourage your son to engage with these programmes as frequently as possible.

I hope you have a good weekend and I look forward to updating you with more news next week. Until then you can always contact me directly at:

Mr. L. Williams,


Lordswood Boys' School.

Lordswood Boys' School Hagley Road Harborne Birmingham B17 8BJ

Tel:0121 464 2837


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