Safety and Health

Student Support and Counseling Services


Guidance and

 Counseling Services

Your LSHS Counseling team is here to provide academic guidance as well as  help connect you with others who can support you in different areas of your life. Click here to get to their website.



Support Services

Looking for help, or seeking more information for a family member or a friend? Gathering knowledge is always a great first step. Check out Mrs. Hudson's website for more information including how to access services.

Substance Use Prevention-

Intervention Support Services

 Mr. Pitkin's Google Site provides students, families, and staff access to comprehensive information and resources regarding the impacts of substance use on students and families, and how to access services.  Check it out!

Accidents and Insurance

All students are strongly encouraged to have insurance coverage while at school and/or participating in school-related events. All students participating in interscholastic athletics are required to have insurance prior to their first turnout. If a student is injured at school or during a school sponsored activity, he/she must make a report of the accident to the office. Accident insurance to cover all school activities may be purchased through the school. There is some variation in the cost of insurance depending on the sports involved. Students are urged to take advantage of this insurance unless the family has insurance at home which will cover them. 

Fire, Earthquake,

Lockdown, and Safety Drills

State laws require us to conduct safety drills at regular intervals, and these are an important part of our safety plan. It is essential that when the signal for the drill is first given, everyone follows directions promptly and clears the building by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. The teacher in each classroom will give the students instructions.

Health Center/ Nurse/ Medication

If a student becomes ill or injured at school, the student is to report to the health center with a pass from their teacher. A decision as to what should be done concerning the illness will be made. If assigned to the Health Center, the student must sign in and out with an office secretary. If a student stays in the Health Center in excess of 30 minutes administrative approval is required.

Excessive use of the Health Center by students will result in a parent conference to help us determine appropriate medical supports. A school nurse is available for discussing individual health problems with students. The Health Center is the only authorized area for ill students. The student will be considered truant if, when ill and out of class, the student does not report to the Health Center. Cots, bathrooms, medical supplies and part-time nursing care are all available in the Health Center.

Medication Administration at School

Students are not to take any medications at school without proper authorization. Prescribed medication and over-the-counter medications may be dispensed to students on a scheduled basis upon written authority and instructions from a parent and with a signed and dated verification and written directions from a licensed medical practitioner. The prescribed medication must be properly labeled and be in the original prescription container. Only those designated school personnel in the Main Office may administer medication.

High school students may be allowed to carry and self-administer over-the-counter (OTC) medication when authorized by the parent, school nurse, and principal. All medication must be in the original labeled container. Students who carry and self-administer OTC medication must carry only one day’s dose in an original container with written permission of their parent/ guardian. A violation of this privilege may result in disciplinary action/ progressive discipline.

If you have any questions regarding medication administration at LSHS, please contact our school nurse, at 425-335-1656.

Health Services

This link on the Lake Stevens School District website has information on current health issues, district health forms including the Authorization for Administration of Medication at School, district health policies, school nursing staff links, and health resources for parents and students. Access to the link is found through the Departments tab on the district web page. 

Students with Special Healthcare Needs

Students with life threatening conditions such as severe bee sting, severe food allergies, severe asthma, diabetes, seizures, etc., are required to have a medication or treatment order and emergency action  plan in place before they start school each year. If a medication or treatment order is not provided, the chief administrator of the school is required to exclude the child until such order has been provided. This requirement applies to students with a life-threatening condition who are new to the district and students who are already attending the school. Contact our school nurse (425-335-1656) to discuss your child’s healthcare needs at school.

Video Surveillance

For the safety of our students and property this campus is protected by 24-hour video surveillance.