
Academics, Credits, and Grading

It is the mission of Lake Stevens High School to prepare our students to be lifelong learners. We promote excellence through consistent high standards and expectations for all students and staff members.

Academic and Collaborative Spaces

Regardless of where these spaces are, academic use always takes priority.

What does it look like to be respectful, responsible, and ready in academic and collaborative spaces?

Sprinkled in various locations around campus, there are several areas that can serve as additional academic or collaborative space. Frequently, these are used by staff as extensions of the classroom. Sometimes, they're used by small groups of students working toward a common academic goal, but not explicitly connected to a classroom at the time. By following these expectations, we can all make sure these spaces are used well. 

Academic Performance

LSHS emphasizes the importance of learning. Students are responsible and accountable for the following:

Although improving academic performance requires effort and cooperation at all levels, students who demonstrate consistent academic non-performance may be subject to intervention. These interventions may include a parent/teacher/counselor/admin conference, academic support center assignment, mandatory tutoring (when available), or a change of academic placement.


Lake Stevens High School operates on a two-semester school year. Grades given at the end of each semester are entered as part of the student's permanent record. Only semester grades are used to compute grade point averages. Students and families may view progress via Family Access.

Letter grades A, B, C, and D, are passing and earn .5 credits per semester toward graduation. A grade of P is also a passing grade and earns .5 credits toward graduation but is not acceptable to meet college entrance requirements.  A grade of F does not earn credit toward graduation. An incomplete (I) at the quarter indicates that the student has not completed all of the required work. This work must be made up within a specified time or a failure grade will be recorded. The NC grade indicates no credit and does not affect the grade point average.

Failing Grades

Credits and other Graduation Requirements

To graduate students must have successfully completed the following: 45 Community Service Hours (30 for Class of 2023), met a Graduation Pathway by either passing the current state assessment requirements or earning credit in a CTE career sequence, and earning 24 credits in the required areas. 

Course Retake Procedure

Students may request to retake a course with prior approval of the principal/ counselor/parent. Both attempts will be recorded on the student's transcript. Generally speaking, however, students can not receive credit for passing the same course more than once.

Credit Retrieval

Option of credit retrieval may be possible in designated classes with counselor and administrative approval.

Academic No Credit

In order to earn an academic “No Credit,” the student must attend, actively participate, and have good citizenship in the class. If good attendance and good citizenship are not maintained in that class, then an “F” grade will be given for that class and the “F” grade will be added to the student’s transcript, and the student may be removed from the class and, if needed, the student will receive an altered schedule.. The NC grade does not affect the grade point average.

Graduation Ceremonies

Students must meet all district and state requirements in order to participate. During graduation ceremonies students will wear their graduation gown and cap over appropriate clothing.  The only adornments allowed will be Honor Cords, Top 10 GPA sashes, and items of cultural significance as pre-approved in partnership with the building principal. Students must attend graduation practice to participate in the ceremonies. 

Honor Graduate

and Honor Roll

To be included as an Honor Graduate and wear an honor cord a student must achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, grades nine through twelve. The Honor Roll listing will be published for those students who achieve a GPA of 3.25 or higher, provided that no grade is lower than a C (2.0).