ASB, Athletics, Activities

ASB, Athletics, and Activities

Lake Stevens High School has an elected representative form of student government designed to empower students to become effective leaders both on campus and in their own community. All students are encouraged to participate in LSHS activities and are eligible to run for elected office providing they comply with the rules and regulations stated in the ASB constitution. Through participation, planning, and implementation, ASB/activities provide students with the opportunity to explore various components of what it means to be an effective member of a group or team, an essential skill for success in any endeavor. You may email ASB officers at, or click here for a list of this year's ASB officers.

ASB Card

Associated Student Body (ASB) cards may be purchased online, at Viking Launch, or through mail-in registration in August as well as in the business office during lunch or before and after school once school has started. The student government, through the ASB Constitution, has determined that all who participate in interscholastic sports, or in any organized student activity receiving ASB funds, are expected to hold an ASB card. An ASB card provides the holder the following privileges: free entrance to all home league sports events and reduced entrance fees to away games and ASB-sponsored dances (bring ASB card with you). Students are expected to have their ID card on them at all times during the school day and at school evening events both on and off campus. Generally speaking, it's a good idea to always have your ASB/ID card on you.


How can I be respectful, responsible, and ready at assemblies?

Generally speaking, LSHS students can expect to experience two types of assemblies during the school day: pep/spirit assemblies and educational assemblies. Student leaders, in conjunction with adviser and administrative support, have identified the following expectations for how to interact appropriately during each type of assembly.

  • Engage in active listening/participation (Eye contact, head nodding, chanting, cheering)

  • Participate appropriately

  • Respect personal/lived experiences.

  • Seek understanding and connections.

Be loud.

  • Own your emotions and your actions

  • Leave the area better than you found it.

  • Leave any distracting items in your class (phones, backpacks, etc.)

  • Observe social/behavioral expectations

Be proud.

  • Stay in your designated area with your designated class.

  • Appropriately participate and engage based on the situation (pep vs. serious assemblies)

Be Positive.

Viking Courtyard

What does it look like, sound like, and feel like to be respectful, responsible, and ready while out in the Viking Courtyard?

Viking Courtyard, the spacious area directly north of the cafeteria that houses both wooden and concrete seating areas, ping-pong tables, cornhole, and foosball tables, is meant as an area to support positive Viking activities. Our expectations for positive behavior in those areas are below.

  • Use and enjoy spaces socially during lunch

  • Be aware of other classes in session

  • Talk at a volume that recognizes others are learning

  • Use kind, school appropriate language

  • Leave the area better than you found it

  • Use trash and recycling facilities

  • Clean up after yourself

  • Return equipment to The Cove

  • Return to class quickly and ready to learn

  • Ensure the space is ready for the next Viking


School dances are incredible opportunities to socialize and build positive relationships with fellow students. To help maintain a safe and socially supportive environment, we have developed the following guidelines:

  • School dances are a function of the ASB and as such are for LSHS students only and pre-approved guests.

  • LSHS ASB or LSHS ID card is required for entry into all dances

  • Guests are only allowed for Homecoming, Tolo, and Prom. Each LSHS student may host only one guest.

  • Guests must be at least a 9th grader, and no older than 20 years of age.

  • Guest permission forms are available approximately 3 weeks prior to each dance. They are required for all guests and must be submitted for approval at least 7 days before the dance (actual due dates will be on the form). All guests are subject to the same rules as LSHS students. Student hosts are responsible for their guests' actions and will receive the consequences of their guest’s misbehavior.

  • There will be no entry to dances after 10 pm – this includes Prom, Homecoming, and Tolo.

  • Once a person leaves a dance there will be no re-entry

  • All chaperones must be in place prior to the opening of the doors

  • The following dance movements or styles are inappropriate and not permitted

    • Lewd or sexually suggestive dancing ( dirty dancing, grinding, etc.)

    • Intentional contact with another person’s private areas

    • Movements that advocate violence (bashing, slamming, etc.) and/or threaten student safety

  • Students will be warned about inappropriate dance movements. Additional occurrences may result in dismissal from the dance and may prevent the student from attending dances for the remainder of the school year

  • If a student is removed from a dance due to a violation of these rules, there will be no refunds.

  • LSHS rules and procedures are in effect even when dances are held off campus.

Field Trips

To be eligible to participate in a school-sponsored field trip, students are required to turn in parent and teacher prior permission forms. Communication will come from advisor in regards to which students will be attending. Students should notify their teachers of attendance and teachers should sign off as a receipt of acknowledgement. Students need to be in good standing academically, behaviorally, and with attendance in order to participate. Some teachers or programs may have additional protocols that need to be followed.

Publicity and Posters

The ASB advisor or designee must approve any publicity for elections, dances, or other activities. Posters should not be placed on painted surfaces as the tape removes the paint or on windows, doors or display cases. To help prevent damage to surfaces, use blue painters tape, tack boards, and wooden bulletin boards to post signs. The students who take the responsibility for putting up the signs must also insure signs are not on the ground and that they take down the signs and tape appropriately.

Yearbooks (The Rune)

Yearbooks may be purchased before school and at lunch for the amount specified for that year. Online payment options will be available as well. They will be sold in the business office (usually) through mid-November, but we cannot guarantee purchase after that time.


The athletic department of Lake Stevens High School is comprised of many different and diverse activities that provide an opportunity for students to experience growth and development as young adults. Over 60 coaches, who recognize the educational value of these activities as an extension of our classrooms, work with our student athletes to cultivate an atmosphere of competition, dedication, and good sportsmanship.

Being a Viking Student Athlete is a privilege, and with that privilege comes the responsibility to uphold the standards set forth in our athletic code, in effect 365 days a year, to be a positive role model on and off the field of play. Viking Athletes are expected to train and compete hard, be good citizens, be responsible students, respect their opponents, and learn the positive life lessons that come with participation in athletics that will last a lifetime.

Eligibility and Requirements

The rules and regulations of the WIAA, Lake Stevens School District, and the WESCO League govern each athlete. Check the high school's athletic code for additional details. The full text of the Athletic Code is available here. Before a student may turn out for a sport he/she must complete the LSHS online athletic registration process. This includes the following: obtain parent/guardian consent, provide physical and insurance forms, Sign the Sudden Cardiac Arrest/Concussion form, purchase an ASB card, and sign the athletic eligibility participation form. Athletes may participate in voluntary random drug testing. Parents or guardians who do not want their child to participate in the voluntary random drug testing program will be allowed to exclude their student from the drug testing program. See athletic eligibility packet for further details.

Practice & Game Day Athletic Eligibility

Athletes must attend at least three full periods during the day or secure administrative approval to be eligible to participate in practice or compete that day in an athletic event.

Attendance at Athletic Events

Once a student spectator has entered an athletic contest, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter if he/she leaves the field/gym at any time during the course of the contest. Any student suspended from school (Out of School) is not eligible to participate in or attend any school-sponsored activity. All school rules/policies will be enforced at athletic events.

Related Sports Links

LSHS Sports Schedules

(click on the image)

Official WIAA Handbook

(click on the image)

LSHS Athletics Website

(click on the image)