Driving and Vehicles

Student Pick-up and Drop-off

In an effort to increase staff and student safety on the campus of Lake Stevens High School, as well as traffic congestion on surface streets, student pick-up and drop-off is only conducted at the student dropoff area in front of East Hall on 113th Avenue NE. Parents dropping off or picking up a student with a physical disability can utilize the designated visitor parking spaces in front of the school.Thanks for helping us minimize congestion and maximize student safety by not using the bus loop, student parking lot, or surface streets in front of or adjacent to the school as a drop-off/pick-up area before and after school. 

Athletes, musicians, or others who wish to access the staff parking lot/bus loop area, may only do so after the second round of buses have left on a daily basis. 

Student Driving

It is a privilege for LSHS students to operate and park a motor vehicle on campus. By issuing a permit, LSSD and/or LSHS does not assume liability for any property damage to any private vehicle parked on its property. Due to limited parking spaces, LSHS students are encouraged to use district-provided transportation or carpool with fellow students (wearing masks if you're not from the same household). To support safety and security on campus, students driving vehicles to LSHS will follow these principles:

Off Campus Parking Considerations

In support of Viking spirit and maintaining good relationships with our campus neighbors, students are discouraged from parking within residential areas surrounding Lake Stevens High School. However, after the student lots are full, students may need to find parking in an area not controlled by the district. In these instances, we invite students to understand and follow state laws and city municipal codes:

Students who fail to follow city parking laws are subject to traffic citations by Lake Stevens Police Department.

In addition to local and state parking laws, we encourage students to:

Parking Violations

Students may be subject to fines for parking violations. Failure to abide by these guidelines will be subject to progressive discipline and possible revocation of all parking privileges. Parking violations will result in a $10.00 fine. Students with outstanding fines will not be allowed to purchase a parking pass. Continual parking violations will result in the vehicle being mechanically booted which results in a $25.00 fine. If it is necessary for a student to drive their car during the school day, prior parental permission must be secured and final permission must be obtained from the office prior to leaving. During school hours, the parking lots are closed. Students who have a legitimate need to return to their vehicles during the school day will check in with an administrator and obtain permission. Violation of the check-in procedure could result in a referral. Excessive parking fines may result in disciplinary action. Irresponsible/dangerous driving may result in disciplinary action and/or loss of parking privilege.