Steve Pitkin

Intervention Specialist

District page link

 The Intervention Specialist provides direct services for students, families, staff, and others in the community regarding substance use prevention and intervention, and correlating concerns.  Please explore by topic/audience and feel free to email or call 425-308-6375 if you have further questions.

More info on Mr. Pitkin's role, practices and background.

Want to help others as a career?

Ted Talk testimonial on Families and the Impact of Addiction

Short training available to learn how to use Narcan, this lifesaving medicine for Opioid overdoses.  July 20th.

Learn how to find out the facts about student health behaviors, attitudes, and risk & protective factors.

Healthy Youth Survey

Every two years, students in Lake Stevens, and across the state have participated voluntarily in the Healthy Youth Survey, providing a large sample -- and solid information about health behaviors, attitudes, risk & protective factors.  This brief video and the links below can show you how to check it out.

Resources and Links

Feel free to contact me with questions about any of these resources.


Statewide link to help prevent OVERDOSE >