
This lesson links to the Dynasties of Ancient China

Dynasty = the time period of a ruling family

Lesson 1 - Timelines and the Dynasties of Ancient China

To know - timelines

To be able to - read and create timelines

Timelines in a Nutshell

A timeline is the presentation of a chronological sequence of events along a line that shows a viewer relationships between different periods of time quickly. The word Chronological means "following the order in which events occurred."

Important Acronyms to Remember - you either use:

BC and AD - BC stands for Before Christ and AD stands for Anno Domini which means “in the year of the Lord”—the year Jesus was born.


BCE and CE - BCE stands for Before Common Era and CE stands for Common Era.

This is what a timeline looks like - copy what I do

Xia (2070–1600 BCE)

Shang (1600–1046 BCE)

Zhou (1046–256 BCE)

Qin (221–207 BE)

Han (206 BCE–8 CE)

Xin (8–23 CE)

Sui (581–618 CE)

Tang (618–907 CE)

Song (960–1279 CE)

Yuan (1271–1568 CE)

Ming (1568–1644 CE)

Qing (1641–1911 CE)

your task - online timeline maker

Use this website called TimeGraphics to make your own timeline. Click on the top picture to access the website.

Use the time period button and copy and paste the above dates/dynasties to make your timeline.

Here is what mine looks like, yours should look like this when you're finished. Watch to see how I do it.

Save your timelines using the snipping tool onto your own computer when you are finished.

Your timeline should look like this when you are done.

BannerSource - Sodacan (Public Domain)