Geography of Ancient China

Lesson 1 - the geography of ancient china

TO KNOW - how the geography of china developed ancient Chinese civilisation


task 1 - video on the geography of ancient china and how it impacted people's way of life

Write down five facts while watching this video.

Task 2 - notes on the geography of ancient china

China is 3000km wide.

Eastern China is suitable for farming, Western China is impossible for farming because of mountains and deserts.

The rivers people settled around were the Huang, Yangtze, Xi Rivers.

The Great Wall of China connects to the Kunlun Mountains and is like a massive northern barrier.

You have three activities below - access this website now

Task 3 - Map

Task 4 - Source Questions (remember the answer won't just pop out)

Task 5 - Higher order thinking questions

task 3 - Map (glue in your book)

You have been given a map of China, it is the worksheet below. Fill in the missing locations and the words in the descriptions to gain an understanding of the geography of Ancient China. Use this map and description to find the answers.

Fill in the gaps of ancient china map.pdf

Map Description

1 – Not many people lived in the desert or mountainous areas due to the harsh climate and not being able to grow food.

2 – The central regions of China were warm but had good rainfall. This allowed people to grow food, especially near the Yangtze River.

3 – People who lived in the south farmed rice and tea, especially near the Xi River.

4 – The Huang River in the north of China flooded regularly and left behind a rich soil for farming called loess.

Task 4 - USing THE SOURCES

Answer the questions using the sources below to gain an understanding of how the geography of Ancient China determined where people could live.

SOURCE 1 - photograph of THE YANGTZE RIVER

1. Do you think people could live near this location? What evidence can you gather from the photo to support your answer?

SOURCE 2 - photograph of THE GOBI DESERT

2. Do you think people could live near this location? What evidence can you gather from the photo to support your answer?


3. Do you think people could live near this location? What evidence can you gather from the photo to support your answer?

task 5 - comprehension questions

1- Identify two features of China’s geography and explain how they influenced the way people lived in Ancient China.

2 - How do you think the natural boundaries effected China’s contact with other countries?

3 - Identify the natural boundaries that separated China from its neighbouring countries/empires. Use your map to help.

4 - Which area of China would required a human-made boundary to separate it from its neighbours?

kahoot on the geography of ancient china

BannersSource - Sodacan (Public Domain)