The Terracotta Warriors

Lesson 1 - The Terracotta Warriors

Lesson 2 - Documentary on the Terracotta Warriors

Lesson 1 - The Terracotta Warriors

TO KNOW - The Terracotta Warriors

TO BE ABLE TO - explain when and why they were built

task 1 - video on The Terracotta Warriors

Write down 3 facts from this video

task 2 - notes on the terracotta warriors

Qin Shi Huangdi made the Terracotta Army so he had an army in the afterlife.

There are 8000 soldiers and they are all unique.

They are made out of terracotta and once had paint on them.

The mausoleum the warriors were found in contained four pits. Only three of them had statues though.


task 3 - Comprehension questions on the terracotta Warriors

Access the website now - use the website link below to help you find the answers.

1) The terracotta army was built for which emperor of Ancient China?

2) What were the Terracotta Warriors a part of?

3) How many soliders made up the terracotta army?

4) What made all the soliders unique?

5) What was the average height of the Terracotta Warriors? What does this tell us about people who lived during Ancient China?

6) What is terracotta?

7) When were the Terracotta Warriors discovered by Chinese farmers?

8) What unique features were added to the soldiers to make them different from each other?

9) How many craftsmen do historians estimate worked on the Terracotta Warriors and the emperor's tomb?

10) The Terracotta Warriors looked very different when they were discovered by Chinese farmers. Why is this? What happened to them?

Think for yourself

11) What information can the Terracotta Warriors tell us about Ancient Chinese History?

12) What do the Terracotta Warriors tell us about Ancient Chinese beliefs of the afterlife?

13) Why did the emperor have more than just terracotta soldiers in the tomb?

kahoot on the terracotta army

Lesson 2 - Documentary on the Terracotta Warriors

terracotta warriors documentary

Terracotta Warriors Questions.docx

Worksheet to complete while watching

BannersSource - Sodacan (Public Domain)