
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Confucius

TO KNOW - Confucius

TO BE ABLE TO - EXPLAIN the signficiance of confucius' teachings and his influence on ancient chinese dynasties

Source - Tischbeinahe (Public Domain)

task 1 - overview of Confucianism

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher that lived during the Zhou Dynasty. He taught people how to gain wisdom and understanding through guidelines recorded in a text called the Analects. Confucius believed that evil in people was the result of poor upbringing and that education could create good people and justice in society. He also formed a set guideline on family values and practices.

Confucius influenced Ancient China more than anyone else and in 134BCE, Confucianism became the official belief system of the Chinese government. His ideas and attitudes have lasted more than 2000 years.

Who was Confucius?

task 2 - Confucius venn diagram

The Similarities and differences between Catholicism and Confucinism

Copy this with me

task 3 - Why was Confucius significant? his legacy.

1. His teachings on the importance and role of the family influenced how people lived and behaved. They also apply to modern Chinese business practices, the education system and government policies.

2. Confucianism became the official philosophy of China during the Han Dynasty.

3. The Chinese life was modelled around his teachings because the government liked Confucianism. Chinese rulers liked it because it taught to respect authority and that having a strong government was important.

4. Confucius' teachings remained an important part of Chinese culture and government up until the 20th century.

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task 4 - Character Profile

task 5 - Source Work

task 6 - Extension PEEL Paragraph (complete for homework if not finished today)

Character Profile Confucius.docx

Task 4 - character profile

Use internet research to complete the following profile summary on Confucius.

task 5 Source work

complete the questions on the three sources in your books

Source - Unknown Author (Public Domain)

Source 1 - The oldest dated copy of The Analects. discovered in 1973 in Dingzhou, China, This version was written on bamboo strips and had been created in 55 BCE by an unknown scribe.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. Is it a a primary or secondary source?

5. What can this source tell us about Ancient China?

Source 2 - Confucius and the world he created - a book written by Michael Schuman in 2015 that outlines how confucius' teachings apply to business practices, family relationships, the education system and government policies.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. Is it a a primary or secondary source?

5. What sort of information about Confucianism would be in this book?

Source 4 - A painting of Confucius at his residence giving a lecture and Zengzi kneeling before him to ask about filial piety painted by Ma Hezhi during the song dynasty.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. What makes this source a secondary source?

5. Why do you think this source was made so long after Confucius' death?

Source - Ma Hezhi (Public Domain)

Task 6 - PEEL Paragraph

Explain who Conficius was and the role his teachings had on Ancient Chinese society. (5 marks)

Use the above information to help, a good 5 marker answers should go for 3/4 of a page.

Remember PEEL stands for:

Point - your opening sentence, state what your paragraph is going to be about.

Explain - Explain your point further, this can go for a few sentences and is where you really get most of the marks.

Example - have one or more examples to support your discussion.

Link - Link back to your first sentence and aswer the question.

BannersSource - Sodacan (Public Domain)Source - Miguel A. Monjas (Public Domain)