History Mystery Ancient China

Genghis to Kublai Khan

Marco Polo

Empress Wu

Your Task

Choose one of the topics below.

In your History exercise books create an interesting heading using colour pencils.

Watch the video and take 5-15 notes about your topic that helps to explain it. Remember that your notes should include important information such as;

- A description (what)

- the location(where)

- important dates (when)

- significant people (who)

Complete at least two sketches (IN PENCIL AND IN COLOUR) that will help people understand your notes.

Genghis to Kublai

The Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous land empire in history. Genghis Khan united the Mongol tribes to launch the empire and his grandson Kublai Khan was a ruthless warlord who famously conquered China. The Mongol Empire existed to the north of China before the conquered it.

Marco Polo

Marco Polo was an Italian merchant who travelled through China along the Silk Road between 1271CE and 1295CE.

Empress Wu

Wu Zetian was the only female emperor of China.

Marking Criteria