Foot Binding

Lesson 1 - Introduction to foot binding

Lesson 2 - The Process of Foot Binding and Source Work

Lesson 1 - Introduction to foot binding

To know - Foot Binding

To be able to - describe the practice of foot binding

task 1 - overview of foot binding

Foot binding is an ancient Chinese custom of wrapping women's feet with cloth in order to stop them from growing with age.

Foot binding began during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) and became widely popular during the Song Dyansty (960–1279 CE). Girls in the high court began to have their feet bound to show that they did not do much manual labour. It was believe women with bound feet were of higher class and were more appleaing to marry.

Foot binding usually tried to make the feet about 3 inches (7.6 cm) long.

Source - Women Of All Nations (Public Domain)

the process of foot binding

Girls would have their feet wrapped tightly in linen every day. This was so that the feet would grow into a certain shape their their size would be reduced.

What happened to foot binding?

Eventually every class of girl was binding their feet in hope to move to the upper class.

Women who had their feet bound would usually be impaired, or damaged, for the rest of their lives.

Foot Binding was eventually banned during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 CE) and became illegal.

Foot binding today

You can still find elderly Chinese women today that have their feet bound.

task 2 - Comprehension Questions

Access this site now and use the above information to answer the questions below.

1. What dynasty began foot binding?

2. What was the appeal of having bound feet?

3. How old are girls when they start to have their feet bound?

4. What was considered to be the perfect size foot?

5. What class of society began foot binding and why?

6. Why did lower class citizens start binding the feet of girls?

7. Do you consider foot binding to be a humane practice? Why or why not?

8. Do you think it was considered humane during the Song Dynasty? Do you think people wanted to do it?

9. What is foot binding similar to today?

10. Why is it important that you learn about foot binding? Why am I teaching it to you?

kahoot on foot binding

Lesson 2 - the process of foot binding and Source Work

Task 1 - click on the website link beside to access answers

1. Name two of the preperations required before the foot binding process would begin.

2. Summarise the four steps involved in the foot binding process.

3. How long would the tightening process (Step 3) last for?

4. In what step were the toes broken?

5. Identify and explain one of the negative health effects of foot binding.

6. Identify and explain one of the famous opponents of foot binding and what they did.

Source 1 - A lotus shoe from the early Qing dynasty. These shoes would have been made by a shoemaker during the time.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. Is it a a primary or secondary source?

5. What can this source tell us about foot binding?

Source - Women Of All Nations (Public Domain)

Source 2 - a photograph of a chinese woman with bound feet taken in 1911CE by a photographer known as Underwood.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. Is it a a primary or secondary source?

5. What can this source tell us about foot binding?

Source 3 - an Illustration made by Wang Hui showing a woman named Yaoniang binding her own feet. Wang Hui lived between 1736CE-1795CE.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. Is it a a primary or secondary source?

5. What can this source tell us about foot binding?

Source - Wang Hui (Public Domain)

Source - William Henry Flower (Public Domain)

Source 4 - a diagram comparing a regular foot with a foot that has been bound made by William Henry Flower in 2013ce.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. Is it a a primary or secondary source?

5. What can this source tell us about foot binding?

source 6 - Film maker Lashawn CAMACHO's short film on foot binding in ancient china Made in 2016.

1. What is the source?

2. When was the source made?

3. Who made it?

4. Is it a a primary or secondary source?

5. What can this source tell us about foot binding?

extension task - Watch the above short film if you are finished - you will need your own headphones.

BannersSource - Sodacan (Public Domain)