the Mandate of Heaven

The Divine Rite to Rule

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the Mandate of heaven

To know - the mandate of heaven

To be able to - explain what the mandate of heaven was and how it influenced the way emperors ruled

Chinese Zhou symbol for Tian, the character for "heaven" or "sky."

Source - Erin Silversmith (Public Domain)

task 1 - the mandate of heaven

The Mandate of Heaven was the divine rite to rule that was believed to be given to a person who was or wanted to be emperor.

It was a rite to rule that was given by heaven.

Emperors had to be just, fair and wise to maintain their Mandate of Heaven and their power. If they didn't, their dynasty would be overthrown.

The Mandate of Heaven explains how the dynasties started and ended.

The Mandate of Heaven kept emperors fair and peaceful.

task 2 - the dynastic cycle and the mandate of heaven

This is how dynasties were overthrown because they were believed to have lost their madate of heaven.

Copy the Dynastic Cycle into your books.

Source - Jshlng (Public Domain)

task 3 - Mandate of heaven video

Write three facts from the video.

Be ready to share your facts with the class.

Task 4 - Comprehension Questions on the mandate of heaven

1. Which was the first Dynasty to start the Mandate of Heaven and which Dynasty did they overthrow?

2. Who selected the person that would rule on 'their' behalf?

3. What was the moral obligation of the ruler, once he had been given the Mandate of Heaven?

4. What would happen if the ruler did not fulfil his moral obligation?

5. Who was the first Emperor to rule under the Mandate of Heaven?

6. What was the Heavenly name for the Emperor?

7. What positions was the emperor considered to hold?

8. What 'happened' to the Emperors after they died?

9. Why was Wen considered to be such a great ruler?

10. What were some 'omens' that could end the rule of an Emperor? Why would these omens (or problems) end the rule?

11. What were some of the bad things that King Zhou and King Jie are supposed to have done? (Use internet research to find the answer to this one).

kahoot on the mandate of heaven

BannersSource - Sodacan (Public Domain)Source - Sodacan (Public Domain)