SCPE Attendance Policy

Students are expected to be present and engaged in all learning opportunities while on supervised clinical practice experiences. As such, the program has developed policies and procedures for SCPE attendance.

If the preceptor is working, the student should also be working, including days, nights, weekends, holidays, and on-call periods. Students should work a MINIMUM of 180 hours for a 6-week SCPE but should strive to exceed this stated minimum.  Attendance at all end-of-rotation (EOR) sessions is mandatory.

An absence is defined as any work hours where your preceptor or their designee is working and you do not report to work.  The following are the steps to report an unplanned absence or request a planned absence:  

Unplanned Absence Due to Illness or Emergency

Planned Absence Request

The Director of Clinical Education will review your request, preceptor permission, previous planned and unplanned absences,  and work hours/patient logging data to ensure rotation requirements will be met.  The Director of Clinical Education will grant or deny the request within forty eight (48) hours of receipt and email the student accordingly.

Page/Policy/Guideline Information

Last Reviewed: 2023.8

Devised/Revised: 2023.1