World War 2 - Home Front
New content within Sandbox AR for Spring 2024

The Sandbox AR app can now be used to explore London in 1940, discover life on the Home Front during the Second World War, and create your own augmented reality scene depicting wartime Britain.

WW2 @ Lawford C of E Primary School - North Essex

LGfL has been exploring the potential of combining Sandbox AR-generated content with pupil-generated video content to showcase their understanding of the topic of the home front at Lawford C of E Primary School.

This is the first ever example of the WW2 content being applied in a school context.

This simple experiment applied Sandbox AR to the playing field and playground to transform both into a scene from the Blitz. Two scenes featured an Anderson shelter with Barrage balloons above and A spitfire in the air and also partially destroyed terraced housing, and bomb-damaged London bus.

The footage was filmed within the Sandbox AR app; the first 25 seconds of the video shows the real-world scene that AR was placed upon. 

Video editing software was used to 'age' the footage and sound effects applied from the BBC Sound Archive.

This is the first ever example of the WW2 content being applied in a school context.

This simple experiment applied Sandbox AR to the playing field and playground to transform both into a scene from the Blitz. Two scenes featured an Anderson shelter with Barrage balloons above and A spitfire in the air and also partially destroyed terraced housing, and bomb-damaged London bus.

The footage was filmed within the Sandbox AR app; the first 25 seconds of the video shows the real-world scene that AR was placed upon. 

Video editing software was used to 'age' the footage and sound effects applied from the BBC Sound Archive.

Working with Augmented Reality

A walkthrough of the process to generate AR footage to show an understanding of the topic studied. 

How can immersive approaches transport the learner to a different time, location and environment and why does this matter? 

WW2 Dogfight and Blitz scene with added effects 

The AR footage was edited and treated with effects - Alitz street and dogfightSound effects and video ageing were applied to the content.

How does the ability for learners to create their own AR stories aid their learning within the topic?

Dogfight and Blitz scene Walkthrough

AR footage edited and treated with effects - blitz street and dogfight with a voiceover walkthrough on the ideas behind this clip.

How does immersing the leaner in an AR scene support their learning beyond 'traditional' learning activities?

News report creation with effects added

Year 6 pupils showcase their Blitz understanding via their own self-created news reports.

It was filmed in front of a green screen wall and with an AR-generated backdrop with video and sound effects added.

What enhancement to the news reports does the video production offer and how does this impact on learning?

News report creation walkthrough

A walkthrough of the news report creation process and the impact on achievement for year 6 pupils.

How can such activities promote an inclusive and engaging opportunity for all learners?

An AR Anderson Shelter

Building an AR Anderson shelter on the school field

Can the viewer explore the inside of the AR Shelter?

An experiment in placing a subject in front of AR object.

Does the subject appear naturally within the scene when they move alongside and in front of the AR object?

WW2 @ Liverpool Street Station

The same techniques were applied to a short video captured near Liverpool Street station to see if a wartime London scene could be created. The dogfight above the LGfL offices in modern-day Exchange Square features a Spitfire and Heinkel locked in a dogfight