Making an impact  with Sandbox AR

Using Sandbox - the pupils view

'We use Sandbox to explain our knowledge and what we know about the topic that we're studying  I would totally recommend Sandbox for classes as it helps students understand and prove their knowledge of the topic that you're going through, whether it's history or literacy.'

Year 6 Pupil

Lawford C of E Primary School

Making impact for learners

The most important aspect of using any technology is the extent to which is has a positive impact. 

Sandbox AR has the potential to provide a platform for learners to demonstrate their understanding and challenge others with new and engaging ways.

Wider impact of the Sandbox AR Platform to support effective technology adoption to impact on everyday (T&L)

'One of the key priorities for the Inspire Partnership is to really strengthen and develop the way that we're using technology. So this project has been a fantastic opportunity to do that. Not only are three schools in the Trust working together on doing this, but through the facilitation of the LGfL, we're working with a broader community of schools.'