DEVELOPING the edtech strategy

How do you resource the strategy? PLEO 54

'Our digital strategy and our use of technology are very much aligned and rooted in our wider culture, which is one of equity of provision. So when we decided that we wanted to roll out a one-to-one devices program that really did mean every child at every school. And to make all of this work financially, it's had to fit in with our wider business model for the trust and our wider education model'

Phil Hedger
CEO - LEO Academy Trust

Top tips for school leaders about effective EdTech implementation

'I think it's looking at your prioritising across your school. What is it that you need to change? So surely it was one of the biggest things was engagement in learning, and children were compliant in learning, but they weren't active learners. And what technology did was allow us to really engage pupils. So I think you've got to look at what is the key thing that's the barrier to the children engaging in high quality teaching and learning and then utilising the resources that you've got. 

Emma Dallimore
Associate Principal & Director of Safeguarding
LEO Academy Trust

How long has it taken to embed technology effectively across the multi-academy trust? PLEO 53

'The reason for that is that they are able to draw upon the expertise of other staff within the trust. They're able to go and see really high-quality examples of it happening in the classroom. They're able to talk to colleagues about how they're using that technology skillfully, about the choices that they make in terms of their pedagogy, and then they're then able to translate that into their own classroom practice. There's a lot more involved than just and buying the devices, as we know, really, the expertise comes in terms of passing on that knowledge from teacher to teacher, from leader to leader'

Phil Hedger
CEO - LEO Academy Trust