Well done to everyone for successfully reaching the end of our first term! Despite a carousel of coughs and sneezes, the children have embraced our learning throughout the term and now deserve a restive break.  We've completed the first four topics of our Maths curriculum, with measurement to look forward to after Christmas. In English, the children have produced some super writing based on our text Floodland.  Our Science topic, Evolution and Inheritance, produced some lively discussions as have our PSHE lessons on Identity.   Also, we've improved our knowledge of the physical features of the UK through our map work in Geography .  DT has been fun and in Music we've enjoyed singing together as a year group.  The Chromebooks are proving very popular and have enhanced our learning across the curriculum: spelling battleships, researching tundra, using on-line thesauruses and competing on Arithmagicians are just a few examples. We wish you a very Happy Christmas and look forward to a fresh start in January 2024.

Mrs Hettema and Mrs Povey