Wow! I can't believe our first term of Year 2 has already come to an end, and what a wonderful term it has been as well! This month, we have rounded off all of our units of learning. We brought our History learning to an end with an amazing Great Fire of London workshop. The children were in role and really able to show off their learning, exploring different activities and experiencing what it would have been like to be on Pudding Lane, that fateful night in September 1666.

We have done some fabulous writing, including setting descriptions, newspaper reports and some poetry, all demonstrating the impact of the Great Fire of London. We were thrilled to perform a reading of our writing to Mrs Hall, where everybody had the opportunity to read aloud a piece they were really proud of. I know Mrs Hall was amazed at the wonderful vocabulary we had used.

In Science, we have really enjoyed learning about living things and their habitats, and will be continuing to apply this learning in our Geography next half term. In Computing, we have reminded ourselves about the importance of online safety and have begun to explore Lego Spike Education coding. We trialled a lesson and had so much fun - we can't wait to continue this after Christmas!

This week we have been winding down with some lovely celebrations of learning, such as our Arts Celebration across the school. We were delighted to finish with some Now>Press>Play sessions to complete our foundation topics.

I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 

Mrs Packham 

Home Learning

Over the Christmas break, please continue with reading, Numbots and TTRockstars whenever you can. If you're looking to keep extra busy, you could continue practising our Common Exception Words and any spellings from this term.