The Trampoline Academy
Recreational Classes  Ages 5-15

All ages, levels, and body types are welcome to participate in recreational (non-competitive) T&T.  If you are interested in getting in shape, building confidence and self-esteem, or just want to have fun, T&T is the sport for you.  Trampoline is a high aerobic, low impact way to build strength, stamina, coordination, control, and spatial awareness.  Plus, bouncing on a trampoline is just plain FUN!  Tumbling enhances flexibility, strength, speed, and power.  Double-mini is a combination of tumbling and trampoline from which you derive the benefits of both.  These three events combined with static and dynamic stretching, plyometric, strength conditioning, and stamina training make T&T the ultimate workout.

Jumping Beans T&T(5-10)

Our Jumping Beans classes are for boys and girls ages 5 to 10.  They are a beginning to intermediate level class, in which athletes learn the basic skills needed to progress toward those bigger, more challenging, and more exciting skills!  The focus will include handstand work, rolls, cartwheels, basic trampoline jumps, proper body positions, as well as skill and equipment safety.  Our instructors are trained to teach to the individual and athletes will be able to progress at their own rate, advancing to more difficult skills such as roundoffs, handsprings, and flips! More advanced athletes will also have the opportunity to receive an invitation to our Mini Team!

Tumbling for Dancers(5-10)

Looking for that edge that takes you to the next level in your dance routine?  Then this is the class for you!  Our Tumbling for Dancers class is for athletes ages 5 to 10 who are looking to increase their tumbling skills.  Beginning with the basic techniques, athletes will build the strength and flexibility needed to increase their skill acquisition at a more rapid pace.  Although it is geared toward dancers, this class is great for anyone who is wanting tumbling skills specifically.  Learn those flashy tricks that make the audience go "WOW!"

Flips & Tricks for Boys(8+)

Tricking is an aesthetic blend of Martial Arts and Gymnastics, utilizing aspects of trampoline and parkour.  It implements flipping, kicking, and twisting techniques that results in bilinear movements that can be both powerful and pleasing to the eye.  The unique movements are easy to learn yet difficult to master, providing a building experience for beginners as well as seasoned acrobats.  This class will introduce you to the basic tier of skills by cross-training on the trampolines and double mini.  Athletes will use free style to form combinations through transition and flow, and will break down the fundamental prerequisites in order to obtain the high-flying acrobatics!  

T&T for Boys & Girls(8+)

Trampoline & Tumbling for Boys & Girls is for athletes ages 8 to 15 with a beginning to intermediate skill level.  This class is a stepping stone from our Jumping Beans class and continues our basic training needed to progress toward those harder skills, but is now two hours long.  The extra 30 minutes allows us not only more time on the equipment but more strength and flexibility work as well, two items that are essential to trampoline and tumbling!  This class also trains to the individual and athletes will be able to progress at their own rate.

Aerial Silks for Kids(11+)

Aerial silks is a type of performance in which one or more artists perform aerial acrobatics while hanging from a fabric. In this class, students will learn how to safely climb and descend from the fabric.  They will focus on building the foundational skills and strength needed to learn various wraps and sequences.  Students will further learn different ways to express themselves and flow in the air!  Please wear tight fitting shirts, shorts, or leggings or a leotard with tights.  No jewelry, buttons, or zippers are allowed.