Meet the Instructors

Adult Classes  Ages 16+

Anastasia Bobadilla

Adult Aerial Silks Intensive

Anastasia has been an aerial fabric arts instructor for over 15 years.  She is a former competitive gymnast, a current ISSA certified personal trainer, a certified AcroYoga instructor, licensed Massage Therapist, and has a Bachelor of Arts in Performance from UC Davis.  She has many years of experience performing at events, festivals, and stage shows.  In addition to performing, she leads international wellness retreats with Wellness Playground Retreats.  In these retreats, as well as in her classes, Ana strives to inspire and empower students to be healthy, strong, and confident in their bodies.  

Lacey Costanza

Adult Aerial Silks, drop-in

After stumbling upon a video of a woman defying gravity on long pieces of fabric and fair few Google searches later, Lacey began taking aerial silks classes as a high school freshman in 2013.  She has since then performed for various community  events and shows.  She is currently Board President/Co-Foudner of Biggest Little Circus, a local non-profit whose mission is to enhance circus performances and education in Northern Nevada.  Throughout the year, silks has remained her on true love, but she also enjoys playing on all apparatuses and being in the air in general.  In the summer of 2022, Lacey completed the aerial silks teacher training with Paperdoll Malitia to expand her tool belt as an instructor.  While she is now a certified coach, she is also forever a student in constant pursuit of growth.  Her favorite part about coaching is watching her students get that "ah-ha" moment when things start to click and the magic begins!

Maya Tran

Gymnastics for Adults, drop-in

Maya is from Las Vegas, Nevada, where she was a former Division 1 competitive gymnast.  She is currently a  young women's competitive team coach.  She also has a background in kick boxing, kung fu, and ju jitsu.

Shannon Roberts

Adult Aerial Silks, drop-in

Shannon is an enthusiastic, driven educator and continuous learner. Everything made sense when she was introduced to aerial arts. She began her aerial journey taking silk classes in Costa Rica in 2019. With her certain passion, the dedication and motivation came easily even though the journey to her current skill level was challenging. Over the following years, Shannon consistently sought her passions while traveling and learning how to express herself through movement, performing on various apparatuses including silks, lyra, trapeze, and straps at private parties, weddings, and community events throughout Costa Rica, the United States, and Mexico. Aerial arts have taught Shannon to trust and love herself more. It has given her the opportunity to connect with others and she deeply wants to share her knowledge and energy with the world! Shannon completed Aerial Physique's Level One Teacher Training Program in Los Angeles in March 2023 which has given her more confidence as an educator and a deep understanding of teaching aerial foundations. She has been honored to share her love for the aerial arts teaching classes at Legend Athletics in Pennsylvania, Forever Dance in Carson City, Lucid Aerial Arts in Mexico, Aerial Equanimity in Reno, and currently with Legacy T&T. Her goal is to create a safe, inclusive environment for her students to feel free and comfortable to express themselves through movement. She is currently furthering her education in aerial arts and movement while residing in Reno.  Come learn from her on Thursday nights!