Intro + Review

Tuesday, 8/22:  1. Welcome & Get to Know - 'Find Someone Who'

2. Read through syllabus and complete Syllabus Sign-off

Wednesday, 8/23:  1. Looked at images from Lascaux cave. Then looked at how they would have looked to that society in their caves.

Thursday, 8/24:  1. Explore the city of Rome rebuilt. Rome will fall to foreign invaders who did not have cities or engineering near as advanced as the Romans. Our question is 'Why did Rome fall?'

Friday, 8/25:  1. Thinking Skills Notes (on whiteboard)

Friday, 8/25:  Tech Organization + Skills Day

Monday, 8/28:  1. 3-Ring Binders = Notebooks DUE 

2. Document B - As a class, we read and analyze the two excerpts. Get a small answer. As a class, we check it and add it to the list. 

Tuesday, 8/29:  1. With partner, do Document E. Get a small answer. As a class, we check it and add it to the list. 

2. On your own, do Document F. Get a small answer. As a class, check it and add it to the list. 

3. On the DBQ organizer, follow the instructions to organize all of the information you found and the reasons you came up with.

Wednesday, 8/30:  1. Finish the organizer.

2. Intro to the Vikings' contributions to illustrate the effects of the Middle Ages. 

3. We created Notes Feudalism to Monarchy 

Thursday, 8/31:  1. Grade the DBQ organizer.

2. Watch this as an intro.

Friday, 9/1:  1. Finish the Middle Ages timeline notes

1. Create folders for World History on Google Drive