3 Socialization

Monday, 10/30:  1. Kahoot review game

2. Culture Test

Tuesday, 10/31:  1. Watch about the 'Longnecks' - how did they get this way?

2. Gender Roles presentation & Notes - how males and females communicate differently and why.

Wednesday, 11/1:  1. JCP catalogs analysis of what boys' and girls' toys teach. 

2. Share findings of the  JCP catalogs analysis of gender socialization.

Thursday, 11/2:  * Effects of toys on  STEM statistics.

    * Check out the information about the Gender Wage Gap  HERE.

1. Notes over Nature

Friday, 11/3:  1. Begin 'Nurture' notes - Socio-Psychology:  Pavlov, Skinner and Watson (scroll 2/3 way down) - documents + Chart - complete Pavlov

Monday, 11/6:  1. Complete Pavlov, Skinner, and Watson on the chart teaching each other - add the sociology side

Tuesday, 11/7:  1. Notes - both Nature and Nurture.

2. Homosexuality:  Born or Bred? worksheet

Wednesday, 11/8:  1. Grade Homosexuality:  Born or Bred? worksheet

2. Lead with the Science of Attraction. Discuss testosterone's role.  Watch THIS about Margaret Mead.

Thursday, 11/9:  1. Grade MM questions.

2. Watch THIS about Phineas Gage. Begin basic info over personality development.

Friday, 11/10:  Veteran's Day Assembly

Monday, 11/13:  1. Take notes over Cooley and Mead

Tuesday, 11/14:  1. Freud Day - About Freud - take notes on the guided notes

Wednesday, 11/15:  1.  Finish/Review Freud - Scenarios 

2. Apply Freud to analyze yourself

Thursday, 11/16:  Take THIS test to get your letters. Check out more information on your letters HERE. Take THIS test for a popular updated version of Keirsey Temperament Sorter called an Enneagram.

Extroverted vs. Introverted; Sensing vs. INtuitive; Thinking vs. Feeling; Judging vs. Perceiving

Friday, 11/17:  1. Watch Amy Cuddy's Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.

2. Take notes on the Agents of Socialization - Part 1 Notes  (Mean Girls clip)    I will post the notes to finish. My computer ran out of storage.

Mayo Clinic on Social Media * Social Media and Mental Health  *  

Monday, 11/20:  1. Watch How Video Games Affect Your Brain (Agent of Socialization)

2. Fairytale Socialization - Use this site to read the original Grimm's versions to analyze. Choose your own 3. If no Disney version exists, then give your thoughts on another version.

Tuesday, 11/21:  1. What Makes us Human? Feral Children Notes - I have uploaded these. Watch this on Neglected Children. There are links in the notes to watch as well.

     a. Anna and Isabelle assignment

Wednesday-Friday, 11/22-11/24:  Thanksgiving Break - No School

Monday, 11/27:  1. Grade 'Anna & Isabelle' and Discuss Fairytales

2. Notes over Genie

Tuesday, 11/28:  Introduce Test - Nell

Wednesday, 11/29:  Nell

Thursday, 11/30:  Nell

Friday, 12/1:  Nell

Monday, 12/4:  1. Nell test DUE - final copy