Palladilocks and the 30-50 Feral Hogs

Brought to you by “Real”Food, Inc., a Millenium Global brand

Once upon a time a young prospector named Palladilocks was mining in the Yellow Zone. Deep in the yellow zone they found a cave. They knocked on the entrance and hollered but no one answered, so they walked in.

In the kitchen was an awfully long table with 30-50 bowls of SpaceTech brand protein sludge. Palladilocks was hungry so they tried the first bowl.

“This sludge is too sludgy. Eww!”

They tried the next bowl.

“This isn’t sludgy enough! Bleh!”

30-50 bowls later…

“Meh, I guess this sludge is tolerable.”

Palladilocks ate the entire bowl.

And just then there was a grumbling and gurgling sound.

It was Palladilocks’ stomach. SpaceTech brand protein sludge is hard to digest as everyone knows.

Palladilocks felt woozy, probably from the SpaceTech brand protein sludge, so they decided to sit down.

In the cavernous living room Palladilocks found a circle of 30-50 SpaceTech brand “Comfort” chairs.

They sat in the first one.

“Too wobbly”

They sat in the next one.

“This one is literally made of cement”

30-50 chairs later.

“I guess SpaceTech brand chairs just aren’t that comfortable.”

Palladilocks decided to return to prospecting when they heard a racket outside. Oh no! The 30-50 feral hogs had returned.

Palladilocks hid in the pantry.

The 30-50 Feral Hogs sat down at the kitchen table.

They all squealed loudly.

“My sludge! It got ate!” the first Feral Hog said, and ate the sludge anyway.

30-50 squeals and slurps later…

“Mine all ate!”

The 50th Feral hog had no sludge, someone had eaten it all.

The 30-50 Feral hogs scrambled up and searched the compound. Palladilocks knew they would get caught, so they made a run for it.

Palladilocks bolted from the pantry and ran with all their might towards the entrance as the 30-50 Feral hogs chased them.

Palladilocks turned a corner and saw the door. Freedom! They would make it to prospect another day!

But just then there was a gurgling. Oh, no! Their stomach.

Palladilocks fell in pain clutching their aching stomach. They were surely caught now. But to Palladilocks’ surprise 30-49 feral hogs were also on the ground writhing in pain.

The 50th feral hog was fine though. They had not eaten any SpaceTech brand protein sludge.

Palladilocks fumbled for their derringer. It slipped from their grasp and clattered on the sturdy Millenium Global brand faux wood flooring.

The 50th feral hog had it’s own firearm. It took sight and fired.


And that kids is why you should never settle for SpaceTech brand protein sludge.

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