

Established: 2002


Tech Focus:


Philosophies: Barricade, Followers of the Eternal Current


Mixes, relaxation, and entertainment devices are the major focus of SpaceTech. The jewel in SpaceTech's crown is The Meadows, a floating pleasure resort and casino on planet Venus. 

SpaceTech was founded by a once famous entrepreneur who believed humankind was doomed if we didn't become a multiple-world species. After numerous attempted ventures, SpaceTech finally found its niche in space tourism. Beginning with orbital tours, it finished its first orbital resort in 2048.

The very first board of directors had an unspoken mission of exploiting the wealthy elite to fund their research into colonization. Whether via decadent recreation, or speculative business investment they bled many billionaires and multi-millionaires dry with expensive leisure and promises of profit that never seemed to materialize.

SpaceTech's ideals did not last the test of time unfortunately. Over 800 years their original goals faded in favor of profit and stock price. 


2002 - SpaceTech Founded

2027 - SpaceTech establishes the first viable space tourism service, catering to the ridiculously wealthy. 

2036 - SpaceTech launches the first modules for its own Space Station/Resort. 

2048 - SpaceTech completes Olympus, it's orbital research station and resort hotel. 

2066 - SpaceTech patents Internal Conductive Shielding which redirects energy from FPE drives so it can be channeled around the internal chambers of space vehicles. This technology allows manned FPE vehicle missions. 

2067 - Various animals are sent around the solar system in FPE vehicles, to test the effects. Conspiracy theorists claim there were over 50 missions, but SpaceTech only acknowledges 23. All of which demonstrate FPE travel with SpaceTech ICS® is 100% safe. 

2069 - On July 16th, the 100th anniversary of the first Moon landing, SpaceTech sends the first humans to Mars. Elisa Chambers, mission commander, is the first person to step onto the surface. Crew takes “selfies” with the Mars Curiosity Rover that was diverted to meet them.

2073 - SpaceTech opens the “Family Wing” on Olympus, priced and designed for the Middle and Upper-Middle Class. 

2074 - Construction begins on a SpaceTech Mars resort called Elysium

2102 - Citing “Poor Civil Management” the Mars colonies separate from their home nations and form their own central government. Earth Commonwealths attempt to stop the separation through Military force, but are prevented by mutual resistance from ESSA, SpaceTech and MG who all agreed a territorial war on Mars would be counter to their respective interests. 

2179 - In response to the colony ship launched by ESSA, SpaceTech launches it's own multigenerational colony ship named "Infinity". 

2354 - Piscean corporations attain approval from the ICP to begin advertising directly to humans for the first time, bypassing the import companies owned by SpaceTech. SpaceTech responds with "aggressive" competitive strategies, nearly bankrupting the Poseidon II economy.

2592 - SpaceTech colony ship "Infinity" lands on NEP 1 and establishes the first colony. Colonists rapidly succumb to the toxic environment of the planet and the colony dies out.