
High quality texts used for this term have been:

This Module Our Central Idea has been: 

The World Is Connected In Many Ways

Our Lines of Inquiry have been: 

1) An inquiry into our local weather. 

2) An Inquiry into the Royal Coronation. 

3) An Exploration of our local community. 

4) An Exploration of our impact on the natural world 

Another busy module in Seedlings. The children have been super thinkers this term, exploring different types of weather and learning about how weather changes. 

They really enjoyed celebrating the King's Coronation, learning about the history of the Royal Family as well as the different members within the family. 

During the last part of term we have explored the local community, looked at different homes as well as developing an idea of the importance of caring for the natural world and the impact that these have on animals. 

Have a wonderful half term and we look forward to seeing you in Term 6!