
At Langley Park Primary Academy, excellent attendance and punctuality is our aim for each and every pupil. Learning opportunities are maximised when good attendance is achieved and you, as parents and carers, play a vital role in promoting a good attitude towards attendance and punctuality. We therefore ask for your support in ensuring that your child is present at every opportunity and arrives at school on time. There is a high correlation between good attendance and successful academic achievement; regular and punctual school attendance helps a child to develop responsibility, self-discipline and fosters the skills necessary for the future.

School starts promptly at 08:55. Please ensure that your child arrives to school on time and is in class and ready to learn. 

If your child is absent, you have a duty to inform the school office on 01622 250880 by 09:15 each and every day that they are absent. If the school does not hear from you, office staff will attempt to contact you for a reason.

As we reach the end of Term 5, we issued the following certificates:

These were handed out in class today unobtrusively and, if your child received one of these certificates, they should feel very proud of their achievement.

Well done to all children who received a certificate!

Persistent Absence

At Langley Park Primary Academy, we currently have 57 pupils who are considered 'persistently absent'. A persistent absentee is any child who has been absent from the academy for more than 10% of the number of sessions they should have attended - in a whole academic year this is 190 days. With less than 90% attendance, any child considered persistently absent must have therefore missed at least 19 days per year which is almost 4 weeks of lost learning!

Nationally, 20.9% of all pupils in primary school missed 10% or more of their possible school sessions in the autumn term of 2022/23. This is an increase from 19.5% in the autumn term of 2021/22 and does not include those pupils who were absent as a result of having Covid-19.

The Education Hub, a feature website for parents, pupils and professionals is a great resource for information regarding the education system and popular, trending topics. Do check out this useful article from the Department of Education regarding the importance of school attendance and the risks of missing just one day of learning:

The document to the right is also a useful source of information for parents and carers regarding duties and responsibilities around their child(ren)'s attendance at school. 


Why not...

Watch this short video with your child, about the importance of good school attendance and some of the consequences of unnecessary absence from school.

You could...

Learn this fun attendance song with your child and perhaps encourage them to also think about their attendance and come to school every day!

Learn how health barriers to learning can affect attendance and ways to intervene. This video is presented by the Healthy and Ready to Learn initiative at Children’s Health Fund and Attendance Works. 

Attendance by Class (year to date)

Lates by Class (since September)