Year 6

Year 6 have been simply fantastic this term. It has been a busy period, filled with personal and whole class inquiry. Firstly, they kicked off the term with PGL. What a sensational time they had, all showing they are risk-takers and open minded. Following on from this, the children studied the work of Shakespeare, with exploration into Romeo and Juliet and the study of the impact he has had on our language and culture today.

A project that the children enjoyed thoroughly and was extremely successful, was their Young Enterprise Project. Money and pictures speak a thousand words, the class made £320 profit, which was all put towards their end of year party.

Finally, they looked at popular social movement that are influencing the world today. This was a personal inquiry which has given the children a greater understanding of the world around them.

We are very proud of our Year 6 class, we will miss them, but wish them nothing but success and happiness in their secondary school journey!