Langley Park Legends

Congratulations to the following pupils who are Langley Legends this week:

We are delighted to learn about the achievements of Grace in Pazazz Class, who has been having golf lessons at The Ridge Golf Club in nearby Chartway Street since April. Grace attends lessons every Sunday morning and is thoroughly enjoying these - each weekend there are around 25 children that go along.

Over the last 4 weekends there have been a number of challenges to participate in and earn points. Last Sunday, all of the points each golfer had earned were added up and Grace came first out of all 25 children! This is an incredible achievement!

Well done, Grace! Your family, as well as all staff at LPPA are super proud of you, and we look forward to hearing more updates about your golfing successes in the future.

Also a Langley Legend this week is Tommy V in Ambrosia Class who competed in a triathlon last weekend, finishing this in 30 minutes and 8 seconds. To complete the triathlon, Tommy had to swim 150m in open water, cycle 3km and run 1.5km. On top of this fantastic achievement, Tommy managed to raise an incredible £305 for Haven House Children's Hospice which provides specialist nursing care and emotional support to babies and children through palliative and holistic care services. Tommy chose to support this particular charity because he wanted to help very poorly children.

Well done, Tommy! This is an amazing thing to have taken part in and everyone is extremely proud of you. You demonstrated exceptional determination and motivation to complete the triathlon, especially in such hot weather!