Year 6

This term, Year 6 pupils have been looking into the development of trade impacts civilisations. Firstly, Year 6 looked at the social hierarchy, trade and trade routes for the Incas, the Romans and the Greeks. The children were then able to identify similarities and differences between these specific areas. Next, we looked at the beliefs of different civilizations and how this impacted their society. Using this, the children retold a sky creations myth from the Apache tribe. Using what they have learnt from this unit, the children created a tapestry representing this creation story. We then looked more into the key aspects that made up the Inca Empire Society, this was child led. They then had to persuade people that the aspect of Inca society was better than what we have today. Finally, children were able to tell us the impact that these ancient civilizations had on our society today.

For next term, Year 6 pupils will be looking closely at light and the impact that it has had through the ages, linking it to creation myths where the children will create their own. This is just a taster of what Year 6 will be looking at. Let the battle of light and dark begin.