
Our Unit of Inquiry this term has been 'Celebrations are Important.' We started the term by learning about celebrations which are important in our class community. We learnt about the significance of Remembrance Day and how it is important to remember those who gave their lives for us. We then wanted to know how to make a birthday cake which led our learning journey towards celebrating birthdays! We had lots of fun writing birthday cards and party invitations to each other! We worked together to make a class birthday cake and then we worked out how to share it equally between everyone.

We also learnt about Diwali and made our own Rangoli Patterns and Mehndi hands. Willow even joined us to make her very own Mehndi paws!

We had our first school trip. We went to the Hazlitt Theatre in Maidstone to watch a very special performance of Sleeping Beauty. We learnt about different Christmas traditions around the world and we all enjoyed taking part in our first Nativity show! Please see the slides attached for all of our 'WOW' moments this term!

Reception WOW moments Module 2