Year 3

Central Idea

Peoples impact on ecosystems.

Lines of Inquiry

1. An inquiry into how UK food production is organised. (Local and National).

2. An inquiry into the development of the first farmers.

3. An inquiry into the life and beliefs of the first farming communities.

This term, Year 3 has investigated peoples impacts on ecosystems. As a start we focused on what was meant by local and national, we then explored how different food gets to our shops. Using our reading and research we found out how far some food travels to get to the U.K and investigated why locally sourced food is better, not only for us, but for the planet. We were able to use this knowledge to create four figure grid references to show which types of food travelled the furthest.

We then went onto explore the first farmers and explored the Stone Age. We have looked at how they made their farms and what they produced. We have compared farms from the Stone Age to today. Using this knowledge we wrote diary entries as if we were farmers from the Stone Age. We then went on to learn about their beliefs, we visited Kent Life and took part in some Stone Age workshops to extend our knowledge. Using what we have learnt from Kent life we have written a recount about our day and the learning that took place.