Year 3

Central idea -Choices and habits can promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle

This Module the children have explored nutrition and health and how we are influenced in our choices. We have learnt about the healthy eating plate, cooked our own healthy snacks and have been writing a healthy eating policy for the school.

An inquiry into how nutrition can promote balanced decisions for our bodies.

During this inquiry we learnt about nutrition and a balanced diet through the eatwell plate. We discussed how no foods are unhealthy, but eating the right amount of each type of food is important to our bodies and our mental health too.

We became Geographers and learnt about where in the world foods come from. As part of this lesson we did some taste testing and even Willow joined in!

We extended our learning in to what animals can eat by looking and identifying herbivores, omnivores and carnivores and considered what group we are in.

An inquiry into how choices can impact physical and emotional health both positively and negatively.

In our second Line of Inquiry we moved on to considering how choices we make in our life about eating and the activities we do can impact our bodies and our minds.

We had some fantastic discussions about expressing our emotions and how looking after our mental wellbeing is as important as looking after our physical health.

We also enjoyed visiting the supermarket and making our own healthy snacks: banana muffins and gluten free flapjacks.

An inquiry into how communities can be influenced to make better lifestyle choices.

In our last Line of Inquiry we learnt about how we can be influenced in the choices we make and we have explored different types of drinks, how much sugar is in them and learnt about the traffic light colour coded information on packaging. We have also been looking at the choices we make in our lunchboxes.

We have been Historians and learnt about how leisure time and activities have changed from Victorian times to now. We liked looking at how children exercised and stayed healthy and found that they liked lots of the same things as us.

As part of our action for this module we have been working on writing non-chronological reports about healthy eating and we have also worked on helping to write a healthy eating policy for the school.