
Central Idea: People Learn And Care For Others

Line of Inquiry One: 

An Exploration of my emotions. 

During the first few weeks of the module the children were getting use to the routines and expectations of the nursery. We shared lots of stories that discussed emotions, such as 'The Colour Monster' and 'My Monster And Me'. This gave the children lots of great words to use to talk about how they are feeling and how those around them have been feeling. 

Also, during this line of inquiry the children have been learning to share with their friends, and learn in small groups. 

Line Of Inquiry Two: 

An Inquiry into the emotions of those around us. 

The children have been naming their emotions as well as the emotions they might feel in different situations. The children have also started to learn makaton signs to help them communicate their emotions in an appropriate way. Here is the link if you would like to practise at home: Makaton Emotions

When Willow joined us we taught her how to identify different emotions, she listened well and enjoyed her treats! 

Line Of Inquiry Three: 

An Inquiry into how we learn. 

As part of this inquiry we have explored the Learner Profile Attributes linked to our PYP curriculum. Within the EYFS these have been linked to Julia Donaldson books to help the children identify them easily in their  play. 

The children enjoyed developing their risk-taker skills through PE sessions, forest school as well as exploring different experiences in their own play. 

They also enjoyed being a communicator, drawing, signing and singing with their friends. 

Well done to Seedlings for a super term! Have a great break and we will see you all in Module 2.