

FRC Glossary 詞彙

accelerometer 加速度計

A common sensor used to measure acceleration in one or more axis.

alliance 聯盟

A cooperative of up to four (4) FIRST® Robotics Competition teams.


auto 自主性

The first phase of each match is called Autonomous (auto) and consists of the first fifteen (0:15) seconds.


COTS (Commercial off the shelf)商用軟體

Commercial off the shelf, a standard (i.e. not custom order) part commonly available from a vendor to all teams for purchase.


One of the three officially supported programming languages.


deprecated 棄用(官方軟體只有一年維護,過後就不再適用新年度。)

Software that will be maintained for at least 1 year, but may be removed after that.

DHCP 動態主機設定協定,網路名詞、執行IP分配任務。

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, the protocol that allows a central device to assign unique IP addresses to all other devices.

FMS 場域管理系統(競賽時)?

Field Management System, the electronics core responsible for sensing and controlling the FIRST Robotics Competition field.


The mechanism that powers the deployment of robot code to the roboRIO.

gyroscope 陀螺儀

A device that measures rate of rotation. It can add up the rotation measurements to determine heading of the robot. (“gyro”, for short)

heading 指向

The direction the robot is pointed, usually expressed as an angle in degrees.


IMU 慣性測量單元

Inertial Measurement Unit, a sensor that combines both an accelerometer and a gyroscope into a single sensor.


One of the three officially supported programming languages.


Kit of Parts, the collection of items listed on the Kickoff Kit checklists, distributed to the team via FIRST Choice, or paid for completely (except shipping) with a Product Donation Voucher (PDV).

KOP chassis

The AM14U4 chassis distributed to every team (that did not opt out) as part of the KOP.


One of the three officially supported programming languages.

match 比賽、競賽、對手、敵手

A two (2) minute and thirty (30) second period of time in which an alliance plays a FRC game.


A way to communicate key / value pairs, of data, between programs.


RP 排名

Ranking Point, a way of ordering teams rewarding specific objectives in addition to winning the match.

simulation 模擬

A way for teams to test their code without having an actual robot available.


teleop 遠端操作期間

The second phase of each match is called the Teleoperated Period (teleop) and consists of drivers controlling their robots.


trajectory 彈道

A trajectory is a smooth curve, with velocities and accelerations at each point along the curve, connecting two endpoints on the field.