









Check1: 軟體安裝是否能順利完成?

Step 2: Installing Software

Installing the FRC Game Tools Download

WPILib Installation Guide Download


Check2: 測試程式順利建構出來了

Creating your Benchtop Test Program (C++/Java)

WPILib: Create a robot project

Project Type: Example

Language: Java

Project Base: Getting Started

Base Folder: 自訂專案存放位置

Project Name: 當Create a New Folder打勾時則依此名稱建立資料夾。

Create a New Folder: 打勾則依上一項Project Name建立資料夾。

Team Number: 8169

Enable Desktop Support: 打勾

Opening The New Project (Trust folder、Robot.java)

Defining the variables for our sample robot 定義變數(物件)

public class Robot extends TimedRobot {

private final PWMSparkMax m_leftDrive = new PWMSparkMax(0);

private final PWMSparkMax m_rightDrive = new PWMSparkMax(1);

private final DifferentialDrive m_robotDrive = new DifferentialDrive(m_leftDrive, m_rightDrive);

private final Joystick m_stick = new Joystick(0);

private final Timer m_timer = new Timer();

Robot Initialization 開機初始化

Simple Autonomous Example 簡易自主模式

Joystick Control for teleoperation 搖桿遙控

Test Mode 測試模式

Deploying the Project to a Robot

Check: 自主、遙控、測試,三種模式切換方式?

Running your Benchtop Test Program

Overview download a Benchtop Test Program (Creating your Benchtop Test Program)

Tethered Operation (透過Ethernet或USB)

Starting the FRC Driver Station 開啟Driver Station

Setting Up the Driver Station 設定Driver Station

Confirm Connectivity 確認連線

Operate the Robot 操控機器人

Wireless Operation 無線操控

Configuring the Access Point 設定無線基地台


Check3: 本次競賽用了哪些元件?

Hardware Component Overview 硬體元件

Overview of Control System

NI roboRIO

CTRE Power Distribution Panel

REV Power Distribution Hub

CTRE Voltage Regulator Module

REV Radio Power Module (小白的電源模組)

OpenMesh OM5P-AN or OM5P-AC Radio (小白)

120A Circuit Breaker (120安培斷路器)

Snap Action Circuit Breakers (速動斷路器)

Robot Battery (機器人電池)

Robot Signal Light

CTRE Pneumatics Control Module

REV Pneumatic Hub (氣動Hub)

Motor Controllers (馬達控制器)

Talon SRX (利爪)

Victor SPX

SPARK MAX Motor Controller

TalonFX Motor Controller

SPARK Motor Controller

Victor SP

Talon Motor Controller

Victor 888 Motor Controller / Victor 884 Motor Controller

Jaguar Motor Controller

DMC-60 and DMC-60C Motor Controller

Venom Motor Controller (猛毒)

Nidec Dynamo BLDC Motor with Controller

SD540B and SD540C Motor Controllers

Spike H-Bridge Relay (H型橋式繼電器)

Servo Power Module (伺服電源模組)

Microsoft Lifecam HD3000

Image Credits


Check4: 專案是否能順利建構出來?

Check5: 會用到的軟體介面操作熟悉了嗎?

Software Component Overview

Operating System Compatibility

LabVIEW FRC (Windows Only)

Visual Studio Code

FRC Driver Station Powered by NI LabVIEW (Windows Only)

Dashboard Options

LabVIEW Dashboard (Windows Only)





FRC roboRIO Imaging Tool (Windows Only)

FRC Radio Configuration Utility (Windows Only)

FRC Driver Station Log Viewer (Windows Only)

RobotBuilder (Command base專案使用:RobotBuilder連結)

Robot Simulation

FRC LabVIEW Robot Simulator (Windows Only)

PathWeaver (連結)

System Identification


Programming Basics 基礎程式設計

Check6: 機器人專案建立了嗎?

Check7: 專案需要引用的類別有哪些?

What is WPILib?

Supported languages (Labview, C++, Java)

Source code and documentation (WPILib程式公開於GitHub)

VS Code Overview

Visual Studio Code Basics and the WPILib Extension

User Interface

Command Palette

WPILib Extension

WPILib Commands in Visual Studio Code

Creating a Robot Program

Choosing a Base Class 選定基類



Command Robot


Romi - Timed

Romi - Command Bot

Not Using a Base Class 不使用基類

Creating a New WPILib Project

Opening The New Project

C++ Configurations (C++ Only)

3rd Party Libraries

The Mechanism

The Mechanism - Java/C++

The Mechanism - LabVIEW

Managing VS Code Libraries

Adding Offline Libraries

VS Code


Checking for Updates (Offline)

Checking for Updates (Online)

Removing a Library Dependency


Community Libraries

WPILib Command Libraries

Romi Library

Building and Deploying Robot Code 編譯(建立)使用於roboRIO上的程式

Viewing Console Output

Opening the Console Viewer

Console Viewer Window

Riolog VS Code Plugin

Opening the RioLog View

Riolog Window

Debugging a Robot Program

Running the Debugger


Setting a Breakpoint

Debugging with Print Statements

Debugging with NetworkTables

Importing a Gradle Project

Automatic Import

Launching the Import Wizard

C++ Configurations (C++ Only)

3rd Party Libraries (有更新時要重新Import)




Glass (不在NI Driver Station上)

LabVIEW Dashboard

Telemetry 遙測

FRC LabVIEW Programming

Hardware APIs

Motors APIs

Pneumatics APIs


→ → Sensor Overview - Software

→ → Accelerometers - Software

→ → Gyroscopes - Software

→ → Ultrasonics - Software

→ → Counters

→ → Encoders - Software

→ → Analog Inputs - Software

→ → Analog Potentiometers - Software

→ → Digital Inputs - Software

→ → Programming Limit Switches

Motor Controllers

FRC Legal Motor Controllers


FRC Legal Pneumatics controllers


FRC Legal Relay Modules

Miscellaneous Hardware APIs

→ → Addressable LEDs

CAN Devices

Using CAN Devices

Pneumatics Control Module 氣動控制模組

Pneumatic Hub

Power Distribution Module

Creating a Power Distribution Object

Reading the Bus Voltage

Reading the Temperature

Reading the Total Current, Power, and Energy

Reading Individual Channel Currents

Using the Switchable Channel (PDH)

Third-Party CAN Devices

Cross-the-Road Electronics

CTRE Motor Controllers

Talon FX (with Falcon 500 Motor)

Talon SRX

Victor SPX

CTRE Sensors


Pigeon IMU

CANifier (Java, C++, Hardware User’s Manual, Software Documentation)

REV Robotics

REV Motor Controllers

SPARK MAX (Java, C++, Technical Manual)

Playing With Fusion

PWF Motor Controllers

Venom (Java, C++, Technical Manual)

PWF Sensors

Time of Flight Sensor (Java, C++, Technical Manual)

FRC CAN Device Specifications


Device Type


API/Message Identifier

API Class

API Index

Device Number

Protected Frames

Broadcast Messages

Requirements for FRC CAN Nodes

Universal Heartbeat

Basic Programming

Git Version Control Introduction 版本控制 (Git website)

Separate testing environments into branches

Ability to navigate to a particular commit without removing history

Ability to manage commits in various ways, including combining them

Various other features, see here





The C++ Units Library


Driver Station Joysticks

Joystick Class

XboxController Class

PS4Controller Class

POV (十字角度控制鈕)

GenericHID Usage

Button Usage

Setting Robot Preferences

Initializing Preferences

Reading Preferences

Using Preferences in SmartDashboard

Displaying Preferences in SmartDashboard

Editing Preferences in SmartDashboard

Using Preferences in Shuffleboard

Displaying Preferences in Shuffleboard

Editing Preferences in Shuffleboard

Using Test Mode

Enabling Test Mode

LiveWindow in Test Mode

Adding Test mode code to your robot code

Reading Stacktraces 錯誤發生的例外處置

An unexpected error has occurred.

What’s a “Stack Trace”? (unexpected error has occurred )

What’s an “Unhandled Exception”?

So How Do I Fix My Issue?

Read the Stack Trace

Perform Code Analysis

Run the Single Step Debugger

Search for More Information

Seeking Outside Help

Common Examples & Patterns

Null Pointers and References

Fixing Null Object Issues

Divide by Zero

Fixing Divide By Zero Issues

HAL Resource Already Allocated

Fixing HAL Resource Already Allocated Issues

gradlew is not recognized…

Fixing gradlew is not recognized…

Support Resources