Google Workspace Apps

How can Google Apps be used to fuel student learning?

Do you have an idea to add to this list?

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Google Forms

Why use it?

  • We can increase accessibility for students (using Google Read&Write and Mote)
  • We gather evidence very quickly about what our students know and do not know
  • We can analyze data on the fly (organized for us!)
  • We have clear information about what we need to do next in our teaching

What can we do with it?

  • Peer and self-assessment
  • Create auto-graded quizzes, tests, and surveys
  • Gather anecdotal notes/evidence on the fly
  • Gather student voice/input
  • Digital escape rooms
  • Track student growth, provide feedback, and allow for re-do

Add-Ons to take it up a notch

Equatio (insert math equations) Add to Chrome Equatio Tutorial

Read&Write (language accessibility) Add to Chrome Read&Write Tutorial

Mote (voice feedback and typing) Add to Chrome Mote Tutorial

Google Slides

Why use it?

  • An engaging way for students to take ownership over their learning
  • Teachers can design units of learning in one slide deck for simple access
  • Students can collaborate live with the teacher

What can we do with it?
  • Students collaborate on tasks live
  • Deconstruct samples of work to create success criteria
  • Teachers gather evidence from students using observation, conversation, and product
  • Students can design presentations or collaborate as a team to create visual representations of their knowledge
  • Teachers can design slide decks that include instructions, success criteria, and opportunities to demonstrate learning for students who may be asynchronous for some reason
  • Create hyperlinked learning opportunities for students to move through at their own pace