How can ArcGIS be used to fuel student learning?


Students can:

  • create StoryMaps to demonstrate and share their understanding

  • Analyse a character's movements throughout a story and provide the significance of different places in the novel

  • Use StoryMaps to analyse a podcast (investigative journalism)


Students can:

  • create and distribute surveys to peers

  • analyze data to draw conclusions

  • use the mapping features and functions to learn about measurement


Students can:

  • map the spread of diseases across the world

  • use data about food asecurity to create visual representations

  • explore the impacts of climate change on different regions

Social Studies/Geography

Students can:

  • learn about the mapping sciences/GIS and put their learning into action

  • learn about career applications for GIS (criminology, forestry, natural resources etc)

  • exploring landforms across Canada

  • create, evaluate, and analyse urban plans

Lesson plans curated and developed by ESRI

Do you have an idea to add to this list?

Please email your ideas to

You can log-on by selecting ArcGIS from the waffle on GoogleChrome and logging on with your k12 account.