Google Suite

Useful tips and tutorials to start getting familiar with the Google Suite

Google Drive

Your Google Drive is Google's online cloud storage space. Within your Drive you can store all of your documents that you will be sharing with your students for your chosen online learning platform.


Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the Google Suite applications that will allow you to create a task or content you wish to share with your class. Google Docs is Googles word processing application that is similar to Microsoft Word. Before you begin, it is important to check to see which Google account you are working in if you have multiple Gmail accounts. Once you are finished creating your document, it will be stored in your Google Drive. Your Google Doc is now ready to share with your class.


Google Slides

Google Slides is Google's presentation platform that is comparable to PowerPoint. Slides are a great way to present content to your students. Within Slides you have the ability to create hyperlinks to material which could be images, videos, documents, audio files, websites and so on. It can simple or complex, and can be treated as a living or growing document. Once you are finished, your slide will be stored to your drive and ready to be shared with your class.


Google Sheets

Google Sheets are another way to create work spaces for your students. Google Sheets is Google's spreadsheet application that allows users to store, organize, create, and compile data fields.


Google Forms

Google Forms is an administrative application that allow users to create surveys and or tests and quizzes. Google Forms work very well in conjunction with Google Classroom.



Try not to overwhelm yourself. Start small and use what you feel comfortable doing. Think about what it is you want to achieve in your distance learning and teaching and choose the tools you feel can help you accomplish that. Start slow and build your foundation.