Other Junior Resources

Online/Offline Resources



Get essential digital training with free video lessons: https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/en/digital-training

Learn computer science skills (create an account to track progress): https://studio.code.org/courses

Program interactive stories, games and animations, then share with others in the online community: https://scratch.mit.edu/

Begin with the basics of coding and progress to advanced coding: https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming

Coding and computational thinking skills for students of all ages (presented in live webinars). See weekly schedule here: https://www.codetolearn.ca/athome/


In conversation with parents, you may be asked for recommendations for age-appropriate media suggestions. Please see the list below and share as you see fit. Each source has a suggested age range (source: Common Sense Media).

Best Music Apps and Games for Kids

New Kids' TV Shows

50 Books All Kids Should Read Before They're 12

Best Family Movies

Common Sense Selections highlighting the best movies and TV shows

Sibling Watch-Together TV

Best Documentaries for Kids and Familie

Virtual Learning Resources

1. (Elem) Basic Tech Training_ Using Tools in the VLE - April 1-3 revised.pptx
2. Basic Pedagogical Training_ Engaging Students in Virtual Learning - April 3 AODA.pptx