SLP 學生個人自述專區



「學生學習概覽」是一個促進學生反思個人發展的學習工具,同時亦是一個展示學生個人特質及發展的撮要,可以作為全人發展的佐證。截至2017年12月為止, 超過30所非聯招的 本地專上院校、102所內地高等院校及超過190所海外教育機構均接納「學生學習概覽」作為審視學生全人發展佐證的參考文件。

資料來源: 教育局 


2023/02/17/ 15:08:26 Ivan Chung



學生學習概覽(SLP) 是9所「大學聯招辦法」參與院校及SSSDP「資助計劃」院校視為考慮入學申請時,有關申請人所能提供更多全人發展(包括其個人質素及能力)的參考資料。



Q1. SLP重要嗎? 9所JUPAS參與院校及SSSDP「資助計劃」院校會否考慮申請人的學生學習概覽?

A1. 考生不應輕視SLP的重要性。JUPAS參與院校及SSSDP「資助計劃」院校會視學生學習概覽(SLP)為考慮入學申請時提供更多有關申請人全人發展(包括其個人質素及能力)的參考資料。

Q2. 9所JUPAS院校及SSSDP「資助計劃」院校會如何考慮申請人的學生學習概覽(SLP)?

A2. 個別課程將自行決定如何考慮申請人的學生學習概覽 (SLP)(例如:若出現同分情況時,可為個別院校提供更多評核資料,以確定取錄的優先次序;又或在面試時作討論題材)。


資料來源: JUPAS 

編輯: Ivan Chung

如何輸入 SLP 個人自述 (學生適用)

如何輸入 SLP 個人自述.pptx

如何查閱學生個人自述 (老師適用)


SLP學生個人自述範例 (中文版 )

學生個人自述 範例 (中至中)

學生個人自述 草稿紙 (中一至中三).pdf

學生個人自述 範例 (中四至中六)

學生個人自述 草稿紙 (中四至中六).pdf

SLP學生個人自述參考 (英文版 )

My secondary education was a wonderful moment in my life. It brought me many memories and experiences as well as widened my scope.


When my Chinese Language teacher asked me to join the Chinese Debate Team, I little knew the event would become a life-time experience. I was very excited about brainstorming with my teammates. I soon developed an interest in thinking about various issues and always contemplated important aspects. It was quite encouraging that I was able to raise novel points. 

My enthusiasm for debate grew. In the following year, I got a chance to be the first speaker of the debate team, a chance that I had longed for. I was very nervous and could only read straight from my script. Unsurprisingly, our team lost the competition and I was very upset. Yet, I learnt a profound lesson and reviewed my performance. I realised success could only be achieved by practice. So I participated in as many competitions as possible so that I could improve my debating skills. 

My effort paid off when I was in Form 5. I was then appointed leader of the school Chinese Debate Team. Although it was quite difficult to keep a balance between my schoolwork and debate, I loved debate so much I committed myself developing and lifting the overall quality of the team. I knew that I could not make the whole team develop rapidly in a short period of time, but I whole-heartedly trusted that I could lay a good foundation of the team and looked forward to its growth. 

The wonderful experience of participating in debate totally changed my thought. It not only improved my speaking and logical thinking. But I realised that, in order to do my bit for society in the future, I need to further my studies in university to broaden and deepen my knowledge, especially of social science or the Chinese Language.