Welcome to KJS Book Week! Please explore the different pages and see all the exciting activities planned for the week.

mystery readers

March 1-5, 2021

Drop by one of our live Zoom storytelling sessions

Home language readers

March 1-5, 2021

Drop by one of our live Zoom storytelling sessions

Lost in a book reading pictures

Send us your reading pictures and we'll print them to decorate our Library. You can also see them on our KJS Virtual Library.

Sarah Brennan

Author Visit (Years 1-3)

March 3, 2021

Click here to find out more.

Zoom links given by class teacher

chris callaghan

Author Visit (Years 4-6)

March 4, 2021

Click here to find out more.

Zoom links given by class teacher

online book fair

March 1-7, 2021

Click here to find out more.

Year 1-3 activities

Year 4-6 activities

book week virtual celebration assembly

Book Dress up day

Dress up as your favourite book character. Class teachers will let you know if it'll be on Zoom or at school.

who's behind the book

Compete against other classes to guess as many KJS staff as you can.

Read books written by our KJS students and alumnis