world of language read aloud

A collaborative project with Renaissance College Primary Library. Please use your KJS email account to access videos.

Translanguaging and How Libraries Can Help

PYP introduced Translanguaging in October 2018 for schools to create natural environments for students and to promote the process for them drawn on students' known languages, naturally and flexibly. In the document, importance was drawn on creating environments where "students will make connections between their languages or use language skills from one language to support another". As such, our project was conceptualized and collaboratively developed by Renaissance College Primary Library and Kowloon Junior School Library to address this purpose.

This site will also promote multiliteracy through multilingualism in a multimodal format (digital library and book collection) as discussed in Ideal Libraries: A guidelines for schools. Our libraries have always been important portals for students to access information and literacy. With translanguaging guidelines, our library will become important advocates in the promotion of literacy in other languages and to support translanguaging for teachers in the classroom.

Contact us

This project is collaboratively developed by Renaissance College primary library and Kowloon Junior School library.

Contact person:

Renaissance College - Ms Shirley Chan, Primary Teacher Librarian

Kowloon Junior School - Ms Macy Lau, Primary Teacher Librarian