KJS History and alumni

Look on this page and learn about KJS history through digital photos, videos and documents. If you have anything to share, please email alumni@kjs.edu.hk.

KJS Timeline

Look at this link for a timeline of our KJS history. We're still missing a few details and hope you can help us.

If you know of anything to add or edit, please email us at alumni@kjs.edu.hk.

Calling KJS Alumni!

KJS is in the process of building an alumni database.

We would like to invite alumni, here in Hong Kong or overseas. Please help us by filling in a simple form (right button) and to let us know your whereabouts. Data collected will only be used for promoting school affairs and for teaching and learning purposes. With an alumni database, we can also reach out to you in the future should there be any alumni related activities.

We look forward in seeing you back home at KJS!

KJS History

KJS was opened in 1902 when it was known as Kowloon British School. Kowloon Junior School operated on two sites for 20 years (from 1991) until August 2013 when a new state-of-the-art whole school campus was opened. Our school campus today.