1960's Pictures

Look at these pictures from the 1960's. If you have more pictures to add, please send them to us at alumni@kjs.edu.hk.

Halloween 1963. Courtesy of Mr. Andrew Barrows.

Primary 1 Class Picture, 1965. Courtesy of Ms. Stephanie Cowan.

KJS 1965. Courtesy of Ms. Leah Turner.

Assembly with Principal Templeton and class monitors reading Bible passages, 1965. Courtesy of Ms. Leah Turner.

6R Class, 1965. Courtesy of Mr. Jens Georg Gleditsch.

Halloween, 1961. Courtesy of Mr. Greg England.

Halloween, 1965. Courtesy of Mr. Greg England.

Halloween 1966. Courtesy of Mr. Greg England.

KJS Sports Day at KGV 1966. Courtesy of Mr. Greg England.

6R Class 1967. Courtesy of Mr. Greg England.