1970's Pictures

Look at these pictures from the 1970's. If you have more pictures to add, please send them to us at alumni@kjs.edu.hk.

KJS Students meeting Prince Philip in May 1975. KJS students were invited to greet Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip while on a class visit to Kwai Chung Modern Terminal (KCMT). Classmate Kim Lygo's father was the managing director who arranged the visit. Queen Elizabeth was delayed and Prince Philip came over to chat while they waited.  Photo courtesy of Sushma Hegde (KJS student 1972-1975). 

Class 6M (Mrs. Martin) Halloween Party October 1974. Courtesy Sushma Hegde (KJS student 1972-1975).

Aladdin 1973. Courtesy of Ms. Nancy Janes (Ellison).

Sports Day - 3rd in skipping race Feb 1975 .  Courtesy of Ms. Nancy Janes (Ellison).

Aladdin 1973. Courtesy of Ms. Nancy Janes (Ellison).

Midsummer's Night's Dream 1975. Courtesy of Ms. Nancy Janes (Ellison).

Assembly 1976. Courtesy of Ms. Nancy Janes (Ellison).