This week in Year 6
We wanted to take a moment to celebrate the incredible effort and achievements of our Year 6 pupils following their recent assessment week. It’s been a busy and rewarding time in class, and we are so proud of how hard everyone has worked.
Firstly, a huge congratulations to all the children for their perseverance and resilience during assessment week. They approached every task with focus and determination, demonstrating just how much progress they have made. The teachers are immensely proud of each and every one of them.
One of the highlights so far this term has been the fantastic writing inspired by our study of Macbeth. The children’s creativity and imagination have truly shone through in their writing pieces. They have delved deep into Shakespeare’s world of ambition, power, and consequences, producing some fantastic writing.
In history, the children’s enthusiasm for our topic, Crime and Punishment through the Ages, has been remarkable. This week, we’ve been focusing on the Anglo-Saxons and exploring how justice was served during that time. The pupils have shown a great curiosity about wergilds, trial by ordeal, and how these ancient practices shaped modern justice systems. Their insightful questions and discussions have made our lessons incredibly engaging and rewarding.
As always, thank you for your continued support. It is wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm for learning and their determination to succeed. We’re looking forward to another fantastic week ahead filled with discovery, creativity, and hard work.
Valiant: Pierre - For his constant hard work and fantastic improvement in all areas.
Daring: Lily Rose - For working hard all week and producing some fantastic writing!
Invincible: Theo - For working really hard in all subjects.
Courageous: Chinyerum - For his absolutely outstanding contributions to class discussion in writing lessons - I am not sure what we would have done without his ideas!